28|White One

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-A L I V I A L E W I S-

"I need a fucking drink," Kayden grunted as he stormed past the kitchen, his destination was the bar

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"I need a fucking drink," Kayden grunted as he stormed past the kitchen, his destination was the bar. I sighed and flopped down on the chair beside the rest of them. "You can speak," I mumbled, finally meeting their eyes. "I'm happy you're okay," Landon mumbles firstly and gave me a side hug.

Define the term okay.

"Yeah, Alivia...you're not alone. You have us, we would've come for you," Tori assures me. It was hard to believe since all of them played me and didn't tell me why Kayden was actually at the university. "Whatever," I scoffed and returned my eyes to the marble countertop.

"Alivia," Jace places his hand on my arm and I pushed it off immediately. "I'll be in my room," I say before any of them could continue their sad pity party. It was around midnight and all I desired was to shower and sleep in the comforts of that heavenly bed.

While Kayden drank his problems away, I cried my problems in the shower. While Kayden thought about fucking a stripper to get rid of his emotions, I thought about sleeping to get rid of those emotions. We were such different people yet we didn't need to be in the same room to crave each other.

Fuck me.


The alarm goes off and I quickly turned it off. That thing is so annoying. I was up before the sun and I watched it rise through the trees from the window. Then I decided to be lazy and go back to bed. The feeling of his hands on my desperate body, pressed against the wall felt so perfectly right. But it was so wrong, so why couldn't I stop thinking about him? The floor sent chills to my feet as I walked to the bathroom.

The door was repaired as promised. Kayden was applying toothpaste on the brush. He notices my presence and does the same for me. "Thank you," I whispered before brushing my teeth. Our bodies were faced forward to the mirror as we attempted badly not to look at each other. After we were done, he hands me the orange bottle. I accidentally gasped when his finger brushed over mine and it felt like I was hit by a truck.

"We're going to the club tonight...for fun. Not for a mission," Kayden broke the thick tension of silence between us. "why?" I wondered as he shot the water mixed with the pills down his throat. Kayden placed the cup on the counter, he looks at me for the first time fully, drinking in my red cheeks, wet lips, and puffy eyes.

"They work too much," He simply says before exiting the bathroom. My fingers attempted to run through the knots in my hair. "So stubborn," I mumbled, referring to my hair. Hesitantly, I got into the shower after locking both doors. I made it quick since I basically showered only six hours ago. My mind was still so clouded with so many thoughts and to get rid of them, I decided to pick up a book from the shelf after changing clothes.

Books have a way of distracting me at the most needed times.

I swore I just picked it up to check it out, to know if it was worth reading. And now I'm on the bed, so captivated by the printed words that held so many meanings. I don't realize the time has ticked away until the bathroom door opens. I praise myself for wearing a robe at the moment. "What are you doing?" I asked, staring at Kayden deeply. He forced his eyes off mine and he walks to my closet. I run after him out of curiosity and frankly, I don't need him snooping. Even though I don't have anything to hide.

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