25|Back to School

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Thank you for the idea bestie♡ rphendren527

Thank you for the idea bestie♡ rphendren527

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-A L I V I A L E W I S-

"Thank you for last night," I whispered after wiping my mouth. It was only in the middle of brushing my teeth when I realized I didn't thank him. Kayden throws me his medication and I take the pills out of it. "No need to, it...never mind," he mumbles while filling the cup with water.

"Do you think they're helping?" I asked. My mind runs back to when he caught me in the basement. The way he touched me made me weak, I didn't want him to stop. I wanted his hands all over me. He didn't bring me pain at that time. Then I think back to him chaining Cole. Kayden throws the cup and shrugged his shoulders.

"Whatever it takes to prevent what happened in your dream," Kayden stated confidently. My lips parted in shock, how did he figure that out? "You were screaming my name as if I was going to kill you, Alivia. It wasn't a scream for help or anything," Kayden's eyes softened and they look away from mine as he spoke.

"You did," the words rolled off my tongue without permission. Kayden's eyes snapped to mine, I remained silent while my hands grasped the material of my clothes. "Exactly," he breaths before turning his body. My feet remained glued to the ground as he walked away and shut the door behind him.


All he said was that we're going back to school and it will be explained at breakfast. That memory got me back into reality and I quickly showered and changed into more appropriate clothing. "Good morning," I announced my entrance into the kitchen.

Everyone mumbled back a response. Today, Ashley was making breakfast. When would it be my turn? Kayden walks in, looking more alive and ready than the rest of us. "Another one," Kayden sighed and drops the cream folder on the glossy table. "DJ Khalid," Cole smirks and Kayden glares at him for his playfulness in a serious situation.

Beside me, Landon grabs the folder and I easily read the information on it. There were two pictures of middle aged men pushing to the older ages. More and more pictures of boxing with money flying in the air and spectators cheering in the background. The further I read about the biography I realize they run an underground fighting arena below a college. Which one of them, Travis, is the chancellor.

"Why is underground fighting rings a problem? You run like the top three," Jace pointed out from where he was hovering over us. "If you continue to read, brother you'll realize it's more than that. There's good illegal and then there's bad illegal," Cole responded seriously.

Before I can read on, Cassy grabs the folder from Landon. "Well my...organization," Kayden glances at me as he chose his words carefully," is getting some competition by those two...idiots. They're climbing the charts and after doing some research I learned that they're actually kidnapping boys around the campus and forcing this life on them. They only get five percent of what they fight for literally and if they lose then their body turns up in a ditch somewhere," Kayden explained.

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