36|Library Split

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-A L I V I A L E W I S-

Kayden's phone was in the dashboard

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Kayden's phone was in the dashboard. While I was speeding down the road, my eyes kept flicking back and forth to the phone I now held and the roads. The passcode to most of Kayden's doors around the house was 229549. No surprise, the letters that could spell those numbers were coincidentally Caylix.

"Fuck!" I cursed and threw the phone in the back. "Fuck!" I repeated and punched the steering wheel. For the first time, I glanced at the rearview mirror to see a red Bentley chasing after me. Fuck. Not hesitant, my feet pressed on the accelerator. This was the fastest I've ever arrived.




The gates were already open and I sped through them. I don't bother shutting the door or cutting it off, I stormed into the house. "Alivia!" Kay-Caylix screamed and chased after me. As expected, he was in the Bentley that was following me. I run into the library and quickly shut the door behind me. "Alivia I will take this door down!" Kayd- Caylix threatens.

"Please don't. That would just make things worse, please just give me some time alone. Please, that's all I want," I pleaded with him, skating down the door and pulled my legs parallel to my chest while my arms hugged my knees. "Alivia Baby, it wasn't fake I promise. They wanted me to use you like that but I couldn't," Caylix insisted.

I rolled my eyes, he has the audacity to keep lying to me? "What did Grace mean in the apartment?" I recalled, Caylix is lying and he knows it. Silence, until my body, jerked forward from the impact. He punched the door. "Fuck," I hear him curse, his voice sounding so broken. "Leave me in here for a bit," I requested again and got to my feet. My eyes scanned the books inside there. "There are things ins- never mind. I'll give you space just come back to me okay? We need to talk this through, I'm not the bad guy," Caylix insisted.

There are things ins...inside.

There's something inside the library that he's keeping from me?

"Okay, thank you," I replied and quietly looked more in depth, looking for something he wouldn't want me to see. "I'm sorry, Alivia," I hear him whispered against the door before walking away and my heart tugs for him. No, I need to get at the bottom of this before deciding.

My eyes scanned through the books, there wasn't anything in the open. His library wasn't anything extravagant. The walls had shelves on them filled with books and in the center was a glass table with bean bags on the side. It's a library, an open window or something would've been nice.

I'm not an idiot though, there has to be a secret door or some shit like that. In movies their usually behind the bookshelf, how do I find the key to unlocking it without making noise. My eyes scanned the books on the shelves in front of me. There are only two walls that have enough depth behind them.

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