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That night I only saw one of the videos of them torturing Kieron

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That night I only saw one of the videos of them torturing Kieron. That's what they do. They torture people in their chambers. That gang is ruthless and should be stopped. For a girl that wants nothing to do with this life, I can't do that. The video had me up for hours before I finally fell asleep. I got six hours of sleep and woke up around lunchtime. One day, I have one whole day before Killian and I started training.

So with that, I left without telling anyone my intended whereabouts. Now I stood in the middle of the woods. "Okay, Ali...you can do this," I encouraged myself while stretching. My eyes were glued to the red dot on the tree. It was so small, so detailed. With the pressure of getting Kieron back, I need to make sure I still had it. I never miss, when I'm mostly sober. I shake my head to get rid of the memories of when I almost killed Lily after a party that one night. I squinted one eye and lined the arrow easily. With the first glimpse of the red dot, I let go and the arrow shot into the tree.

Nearly to the red dot.


The good side of this was that now I was even more determined to get it right. It took three minutes and eight arrows to finally get it directly at the red dot. I didn't stop there, I kept going and going until my quiver was empty.

Eventually, I decided to pack up and go home. Of course, on the way home I had to stop at Cafe Century. It was a cute cafe that clashed vintage with modern. It's the spot where all the kids use to end up at after school. The spot where people might have their first date or even to do school projects. It was my favorite place to escape from my father. I walked in. The bell chimed above the door and suddenly I was thrown into life three years ago. I was seventeen with Siera at my side, the scent of coffee hitting my nose, the soft eighties music playing in the background, customers laughing and chatting with smiles on their faces.

Of course, I'm knocked back into reality when someone walked into me. "Oh sorry," I apologized and stepped away from the guy. He had his hand temporarily on my waist to prevent either of us from falling. The tall mysterious man dropped his hands immediately when we were steady. "Watch where you're going," he huffed and pushed my shoulder on his way storming out of the cafe.

Yeah, it was my fault but he's still rude.

His eyes though. I've never seen someone with eyes like his though I know it's a thing. One of his eyes was green and the other was blue, leaning towards the grey side. I attempted to forget the stranger and proceeded to order a coffee. A smile appeared on my face when I saw the cashier was Jerrald Holks, he never wanted to leave town so I guess he never did. "Livi! Is that you! Oh my god!" He dropped the pen in his hand and stretched over the countertop to hug me.

Jerrald and I were mutual friends in high school. We were the pair that always took each other's home works but we were friends outside the classroom also. Last time I checked, he and Ashley were giving their attraction a shot before I left. Ashley quickly cut all strings between us when I left. "I can't believe you're actually here! When you didn't come back during breaks I was losing hope, and now you're here. You look so much prettier," he awed and pulled away when we got a few stares.

"Yeah well, that's because I learned a thing about loving yourself and being positive. I was depressed as fuck in high school. I can't believe you're here! You're the first one I've seen since," I gushed. "Alright alright! How about I make us coffees and we'll sit and chat? I have my break in two minutes?" Jerrald offered and I immediately agreed.

While the coffee was in process I decided to go to the back and wash my hands. Before I stepped into the bathroom I heard muffled screaming coming from the back of the cafe. That's weird. And alarming. I opened the rusty iron door to reveal the man trying to keep the carrot haired girl against the wall. It wouldn't take a genius to know she didn't want to be in that position and I wasn't going to allow him to take advantage of the girl.

"Hey, asshole! Leave her alone," I spat and walked towards them. He held her tighter against his body and tried struggling out of his grasp. "I said let go of her!" I repeated, my fists itching for a punch. See, this isn't something I would have to deal with in New York. "No, actually you said firstly leave her alone not let her go. Plus we're just having some fun...right Caroline?" The man snickered.

"Fuck you," the girl spat before he grabbed her jaw roughly. "Watch who the hell you're speaking to, dirty little girl," he growled. That's when I drew the line for the final time. I shoved him away from her and swiftly pulled the knife out of my boot and held it against his neck. The man froze, his eyes wide in shock at the sharp blade brushing his skin. "Walk away," I ordered. He gave me the smallest nod and I pull the blade away. The man wasted no time running off.

Once I was sure he was gone, I turned to the girl who didn't look so traumatized anymore. "T-thank you. It's crazy out here sometimes," She stuttered and pulled me into a tight hug. "You're welcome. I suggest a pepper spray or something," I laughed it off and prayed that she was going to be okay. "Yes thank you. I better get going," she says and began to walk back to the car parking spot. "Yeah, take care!" I say and returned to the cafe while trying to forget that ever happened.

 "Yeah, take care!" I say and returned to the cafe while trying to forget that ever happened

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-K A Y D E N F R A Y-

What do you mean she's good? No one can be good but me," I scoffed, my fists clenching and unclenching. She's pissing me off. I could've just killed her in that cafe and they all know it. "You should've seen her. No, she wasn't in an actual fight but that girl is blessed with a bow and arrow," Cassy smirked proudly, and Jace nod for confirmation. "Caroline," Jace laughed and kissed the top of Cassy's head. "You idiot!" She shoved her boyfriend and they stopped their banter upon feeling my glare.

Damn it.

"Who does she think she is? I made it very clear that no one will get away with using arrows! I shut down every manufacturing companies and even raided the illegal ones! How did she get her hands on them!" I stormed and paced the floor of my office. This is horrible. I want blood. "She's gonna pay!" My fists slammed down on the wooden table hard. They all jumped and remained silent. They know what's best for them.

"She'll be dead soon. Mark my words."


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