10|White Doors

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-A L I V I A L E W I S-

-A L I V I A  L E W I S-

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My eyes fluttered open. The unfamiliar bedroom proves my foggy thoughts were correct, those events were true. My hands drift down the soft shirt I wore and under it to feel the bandage wrapped around my stomach.

A sigh left my lips and out of habit, I bend my knees only to whimper out in pain when I felt the stab wound on my upper thigh. I managed to sit up on the comfy bed and get a better look at the room. It was beautiful alright. The bed was in the center of a blue painted bedroom, a TV screen stared back at me across the wall as well as an empty stand below. Besides both sides of the bed were two cute tables, the only thing that was filled was a bookcase against the wall ninety degrees from the satin curtain covered windows.

Sadly, I couldn't go check out the books and I couldn't read from this far because the room was still empty. Yes, there was decor in the room like the mirror hanging, the glass table between the two sofas, but it still felt empty. Back to more important things, there was also a bandage wrapped around my thigh. At least they fixed me up. I'm sure I have multiple stitches sadly.

What I failed to notice was the two Advil on a napkin, next to a tall glass of water resting on the white painted bedside table. A folded piece of paper sat nearest to me on the pillow. I opened it to reveal the simple words scribbled across.

Take the meds for the pain.
-Kayden Fray


The Frays were a wealthy family growing up. I've never been in an encounter with them but my family talks. The more I think about it the more I remember about the girl who attended my high school for three months. She claimed she was the youngest Fray sibling. There's four. No one believed her though because her other siblings weren't at the school.


If his family had so much money, why does he need to be a gang leader? Maybe that's how they're rich...wow. I really wanted to take the pain away but the thought of drinking water without brushing my teeth made me cringe. Another look around the room, I notice they're three doors. I'd assume one is a closet because there isn't a wardrobe in the room. Another has to be the exit. So taking my best guess in this massive house, I assumed hopefully that it was a bathroom.

With struggle, I got off the bed. What really helped was that I had something to hold onto so I didn't feel all the pain as I leaned off the injured foot. Any person in my situation would try the closest door. When I saw the sinks firstly, I smiled in victory.

I was more focused on the bathroom wall that I gripped for leverage, as I stepped in so I didn't look around at first. So imagine my shock when I finally look up, my innocent eyes immediately rise to the smirking Kayden as he knotted the white towel lowly on his hips. "Good morning, Miss Lewis," his voice held the amusement that I wanted to punch out of him. "Uhhh" was the only thing I managed to say through my speechlessness.

My eyes disobeyed my orders and slid down his muscular body. Water droplets ran down his body like I wanted to do with my fingers. I became disgusted with myself when I realized who was this man. My kidnapper. My eyes snapped back to his green and blue ones.

"Checking me out already miss Lewis?" Kayden mused, the smirk permanently sat on his face. "Fuck no, you kidnapped me," I angrily spat, my nails attempted to sink deep into the wall. He nods his head, his own eyes dropping down my body. They lingered on my thighs mostly before he shamelessly looks at my eyes. "Not bad, Lewis," the evil look in his eyes returned.

God, I hate him.

"T-This isn't- Never mind. Sorry," I blurted out the apology. Pain struck my body as I quickly walked out of the bathroom and locked the door behind me. "Fucking hell," I muttered to myself as I made my way back to the comfortable bed. What has gotten into me? I huff in annoyance upon realizing I never got to brush my teeth. Why was he in that bathroom? I thought...what does all of this mean?

It had only been minutes when another door opened. One of the two had to be the closet door and the exit. The one to the right side of the bed opened and his tall frame walked through. "I'm sorry," Kayden breathes after his eyes found mine. He had a key in his hand that he quickly shoved into his pocket. The bedroom door. How did it lock in the first place if he just opened it?

I sat up on the bed and glared at him. "No, you're not," I bluntly say and crossed my arms across my chest. His eyebrows furrowed as anger flooded through his beautiful eyes. He's wearing brown contacts again. "Yes, I am. I didn't handle the situation the way I should and I'm sorry for your leg and stomach, and technically, I didn't kidnap you since your father traded you fairly," he explained further which only annoyed me.

"I'm not my father's possession! And let me go if you're really sorry the let me go," I challenged even though I knew he wouldn't let me go that easily. His eyes dropped to the polished wooden floor. "You know I can't do that, Alivia," Kayden mumbled. "I think now would be a good time to tell you that we will be sharing a bathroom. This one is the only one available and it works out well so I can keep an eye on you," Kayden quickly changes the topic.

Well, that makes a lot more sense since he was there and I was sure the entrance was on my side. Now I know they're two. Great. Why am I sharing a bathroom with a boy? It could've been one of the girls. I was about to ask that question when I dawned upon the other bit. "See! I'm an inconvenience! Just let me go, please!" I pleaded. Kayden's fists formed at his sides and he angrily strides towards me. With one push, he pushed my sitting body to lay down on the edge of the bed as he bent his upper body so he was hovering over me.

"Stop fucking asking to leave. If you ask one more damn time, I don't think you realize that your brother's life is in danger here, so I suggest you stop the whining," the fact that his voice was dangerously soft made it worse. The threat in his words was loudly heard though. Kayden easily made me scared, just like he did when I first woke up. I hate it. I hate being scared.

"O-Okay, I'm sorry. Please stop, you're scaring me," I whimpered out. His eyes widened in shock. "Sorry, sorry," He apologizes and takes multiple steps away from me, his hands go to his hair where he brushed through his fingers, tugging on the hair slightly. "You're such an asshole," I muttered below my breath. Kayden nods his head and shrugged his shoulders. "I've been called much worse," he replied.

"Anyway, the bathroom is all yours. There's an unused toothbrush, towel, and a suit of clothes for you in the bathroom. When you're done, please walk downstairs to watch us train since you can't partake," Kayden says before shutting the door behind him. I stare at the door, unable to recover from how stupid Kayden is.

How the fuck am I supposed to walk downstairs with a hole in my leg?

How the fuck am I supposed to walk downstairs with a hole in my leg?

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