33|Tori Was Right

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-A L I V I A L E W I S-

Timing was never great between us.


Brandon looked at me with so much love and excitement, which is what I should be reciprocating. I shove down the horror and descended the staircase, Kayden following right behind me. No, no.

"Alivia, I've missed you," Brandon hugs my body tightly. Before I know it, he lifts me off the ground and spins me. "That's enough, buddy," Landon spat. Brandon ignores him but places me back on my feet again. My hands remained on him so there's proof that he's actually here.

Worst nightmare.

"Actually, she's mine for two nights. I already booked us a stay at the hotel, I came here to pick you up. The uber is outside and Ashley packed you all of the things you'll need," Brandon proudly says. Oh, the suitcase is mine, not his.

"What?" Kayden snarled and stepped forward. Brandon looked at him, having to tilt his head up slightly. "You must be her cousin, right? I'm Brandon, a friend from New York," Brandon obliviously says and held his hand out.

I could still feel his hands roaming my body and his teeth biting into my bottom lip. Kayden, that is. Not Brandon, he can never make me feel that way with a simple kiss.

"I didn't-" Kayden started before Ashley forcefully pulls him away. "Kayden, it's her birthday tomorrow, she'll be back in two days," Ashley attempts to calm the beast. Ashley looks at me," Won't you, Alivia?" She begs with me through her eyes.

"Yes, of course," I agreed. My eyes looked at Kayden, his weren't on mine and instead, he was killing Brandon through his eyes. "Great! Brandy boy goes wait for your girl in the car. Ash go get her the thing from upstairs," Tori adds to the conversation.

"Come on," Ashley grabs my hand and runs off into my room. When the door locked I sighed in relief. "Why did you do this, Ashley. Kayden and I-" I blurted out in a hurry, my hands brushing away from my face, eyes trying their best not to look at the wall Kayden pinned me against as his lips devoured mine. This whole situation was a mess.

"I didn't know! It's only when you two kissed I realized maybe inviting him was a bad idea. Look, I just wanted to fuck Kayden off and do something nice for your birthday. I'm so sorry but maybe this is a sign? Think about it. Kayden is definitely going to get you killed, he's danger and Brandon is not..." she defends herself with soft eyes. I can tell she didn't mean it, it was only supposed to be an innocent surprise.

"I don't know what to do! Brandon cannot get hurt either, Ashley. Did you think of that? You know how Kayden can be," reminded her. Ashley's eyes softened and she takes a step closer. "You don't want to be with Kayden, Alivia. He isn't boyfriend material and would only break you...what if he flips the switch in an argument again? Would he kill you..." She whispered.

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