39|Silhouetted Beauty

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-A L I V I A L E W I S-

Two Years Later

"Twenty-three, baby!" Claire screamed at the top of her lungs before she and Lilly tackled me to the ground. "Happy birthday, Liv!" They both screamed at the same time.

After walking out of that cafe, I never saw Kayden Fray ever again. I went home and the darkness pulled me in and depression hugged me tightly. Cole found out that exact day by a phone call from Jace that Caylix was indeed dead. He burnt alive with Janvar apparently. Every night since then, I've dreamed of Caylix. And I remembered most of the dreams which are odd. They'd be flashbacks, nightmares, dreams that made me fuzzy. Caylix was a common denominator.

Kieron and Cole joined me in New York two days after, saying that Caylix didn't need them. Cole was out of the circle for the past three years and instead, he opened a bakery. Oh yeah, and the boxing gym. Kieron surprised Cole with a vacation to Hawaii. Little did he know, Kieron was going to propose. I'm surprised they haven't as yet.

Brandon barely had any family left so it wasn't hard for him to disappear and leave back questions. I know Brandon is gone but I'm also relieved that the tapes were gone. After rethinking I realized that he was right, Brandon deserved it because what if that wasn't the only video?

"Let go of her!" Paisley shouted with a goofy smile on his face. Thankfully they both listened and helped me back to my feet. Paisley pulls his girlfriend to his chest and presses his lips to the side of her forehead. "Thank you," I say to Paisley. I visited home last summer and the compound was gone. The house was for sale and a family of ten were living there now. Killian had no idea what happened to them, they just disappeared.

He lied.

Killian kept in touch with the circle and I knew it. If they didn't want me to see them then it was fine. From time to time, I go back and read over his letter. The bow and an arrow were placed on the wall in the living room of my apartment. Claire is Cole's worker at the gym and when Lily and I moved into a bigger space, she gladly took up the extra room. I didn't mind because I got another close friend out of it.

Later that day, the three of us changed into the outfits we bought at the mall yesterday. I was excited to wear the white dress I couldn't stop thinking about. Paired with some heels so I wouldn't be the shortest out of the heels, of course. Paisley dropped us off at the front. Lily convinces him that we would take an uber home since it would've been an inconvenience to him.

When we entered, I felt like the music made me into a different person. Claire disappeared and returned ten minutes later with a tray of shots. Lily recorded while we finished the shots. "I fucking hate tequila," Claire twisted her face in disgust and gulps down most of her lime water she ordered. "Come on! Let's go dance!" Lily says while shaking off the bitterness of the shot.

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