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-A L I V I A L E W I S-

"Are you sure this is a smart idea?" I asked Killian as we walked further and further into the forest

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"Are you sure this is a smart idea?" I asked Killian as we walked further and further into the forest. He nods his head and continues to walk in front. I had a bad feeling about this which only made me clutch my bow harder. Eventually, we stopped at a small clearing between trees. "I did this yesterday," I pointed out again yet he still insisted that he trains with me here before going to the gym.

"I know, I know, I just need to make sure you're good without those," Killian mumbled, referring to the bow and arrow. I sighed and placed them both on the floor. In Killian's bag were boxing gloves, guns, and knives. The basics. "Whatever. Let's just get this over with before the Grinch calls," I huffed at the thought of our father. "He's trying so give him a chance," Killian frowned as he handed me the gun. I didn't care for the type of gun. it was the small one that fits easily in your hand and of course, it's the one that's easily hidden under clothes.

"Never," I bluntly spoke and Killian doesn't press the conversation further. "Let me see what you got before I help," he says and walked ahead to place the empty row of glass bottles on the fallen tree trunk. "Go ahead," he signaled and that's when it hit me that I have to pull the trigger. a gun.

I took a deep breath before aiming at the green bottle. Without another thought, I pressed on the trigger that released the bullet. Instead of shooting through the glass bottle, instead, it dug through the dirt. "Oh, shit," Killian cursed and I roll my eyes before continuing on the other five bottles. Glass shards and splinters flew everywhere as the bullet went through every one of them. Even a shard scratched Killian's jeans which slightly ripped it before he pulled it out.

"Oh damn! That was really good!" Killian raced to me and I dropped the gun right in time as he tackled me in a hug. "I told you I'm good," I grinned in triumph. Killian stiffened, the happiness drained out of his eyes in a second. Killian grabbed the gun from beside my feet with a clenched jaw and I begin to question what's happening. I'm imagining the worst here. "What are you doing?" I asked worriedly.

"Alivia, shut up. I hear movements," Killian hushed me and he took off the safety on his gun. Right then I heard the crunches of dead leaves and twigs in front of us. So following my brother's lead, I fixed the arrow on the bow and pointed it in that direction. I'm acting way tougher than what I actually feel inside. My hand on the string was eagerly waiting to launch the arrow. Two figures emerged from the trees, a male and female around our ages. Both dressed in police officer's uniforms and that's when I knew we were fucked. We got caught. I thought we were hidden away in the depths of the forest where we could be loud as we want.

"Who the fuck are you?" Killian bluntly asked, neither of them seemed phased at his rudeness. "I don't think you two are supposed to be here," the police officer says while looking at us suspiciously. "And with those weapons. Do you have a license for that gun sir and ma'am aren't you aware of Silver Arrow's rules?" The woman added on. What rules? "We're not harming anyone so please leave us alone," Killian angrily demanded uselessly. "You aren't supposed to be here young man so I suggest you leave before there's a consequence," the girl suggested.

"Let's just leave, this isn't necessary," I whispered to Killian and attempted to pull him away but his feet remained planted on the ground. "No. I suggest you get out of here sir. You don't know who you're messing with," Killian warned against my protest. The man raised his eyebrow suggestively. "Oh really? You forgot who's our boss. He wouldn't care about your precious girlfriend, Mr. Lewis. He would shove the bow down her throat. People get consequences for crossing Silver Arrow, Killian. You should know this," the man grunted as he walked closer to us and I automatically stepped back.

"She's my sister you sick fuck and we were just about to burn the arrows so relax. No need to get into any trouble," Killian corrected and lied off the excuse. the woman shook her head in disappointment as she looked at me from head to toe. "So why is she holding it?" She snarled. "What the fuck? She has to defend herself somehow against you idiots," Killian defended me. "Killian, Let's just go," I say louder this time, my eyes demanding even louder yet he doesn't budge.

"Killian!" I shout and his eyes finally snapped in my direction. His grip on the gun loosened, his forehead smoothened and his eyebrows relaxed of anger and frustration. "Let us go, now," I say every word slow and hard so he would get the message. Killian nods his head and flicked his eyes back at the smirking officers. "See you later, Mr. Lewis. I suggest you leave all of your weapons, Specifically, hers," the male ordered smugly.

"You can have the arrows and nothing else. They belong to the Ruthless Claws," Killian defended and threw his back over his shoulder. I picked up my bow and held it tightly. We walked away with the arrows left on the dirt. As we walked I could feel them drilling holes with their eyes at the back of our heads. "They're going to regret that when I tell dad," Killian angrily huffed, displeased that we were the ones walking away. "I should seriously consider becoming an actress instead," I heard the happy voice of the officer far behind us.

What does that mean? Maybe I didn't hear correctly.

What does that mean? Maybe I didn't hear correctly

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