24|First Terror

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-A L I V I A L E W I S-

I'm placed on the bed, humming a song Lily and I used to dance to in the middle of our apartment living room

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I'm placed on the bed, humming a song Lily and I used to dance to in the middle of our apartment living room. I just sat there, staring at the door with my hands on my lap. I sigh and walked out of the room, my body wasn't controlled by me. I hear Kayden's voice as I walk down the stairs and I follow it with curiosity. A smile was on my face, I was excited to speak to him.

The smile drops when I saw the chains everywhere, iron cuffs around every part of his body. His clothes were torn and blood dripped from every part of his exposed skin. His face was so busted and ruined you could barely notice my brother beneath the pain.

At the sound of my gasp, Kayden and the three other faces next to him was faded into Cole, Landon, and Jace.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Kayden shouted as my brother made eye contact with me. Pain. So much pain. Kayden had a bow with arrows on the table beside him.

I guess that explains the circular wounds Killian had. They were too small to be bullets. "Leave him alone!" I shouted but they only laughed at me. "This bothers you?" Kayden smirked. Killian received a kick to the stomach causing him to whimper to the ground. "Make it stop!" I clenched fists at my sides.

Why couldn't I move? I wanted to get him out of there.


Suddenly there was a gun in his hand and the three of them turned to me though I got a vivid look of Killian holding onto his life. The gun was aimed between my eyes, even from far, I knew that. "Kayden, what are you doing?" I whispered and tried to move my legs again but they were too heavy. "What he should've done a long time ago," Landon's robotic voice stated.

"You're a fucking murderer!" I screamed from the top of my lungs before Kayden pulled the trigger. The bullet was the last thing I saw before it knocks me into death forcefully.

I hear wood breaking before the loud footsteps followed behind. "God damn it, Alivia!" Kayden growls and suddenly I'm wide awake, feeling as if I was below water. I couldn't respond, my body wouldn't allow me. My chest rise and fall, trying to get oxygen into my lungs but it felt as if I was dying. Suffocating actually.

Kayden sat on the bed and easily wraps his arms around my shaking body, embracing me in his warmth and safety. My body felt numb, I couldn't blink nor speak. "Sh, baby you're okay. You're safe, I'm right here," Kayden whispers as he rocks my body back and forth in his arms.
"It was just a dream," he softly added and kissed my forehead. His hand softly pushed the damp hair out of my face and I finally witness the vulnerability and regret in his eyes.

I close my eyes and finally, I felt my trembling hands and the salty tears running down my red cheeks, my bloodshot eyes pained, my body felt cold but better now that Kayden was here. I didn't realize it before, but since the second Kayden hugged me, I was clinging onto him, my small hands gripping onto him like he was my sanity while I sobbed. "You're okay, I got you forever," Kayden softly assures me again, and surprisingly, it warmed my heart instead of scaring the shit out of me.

This is Kayden Fray, not the one in that nightmare.

I had to keep reminding myself of this.


The sunlight sneaked past the curtains, hitting my eyes and I stirred awake with the intensions of turning to the other side. Only to realize that my body was trapped under Kayden's protective grip around my waist and my head was resting on his bare shoulder. Kayden was already awake, staring at me with soft bright eyes. I push away from him as the memories of last night, more like this morning, hit me.

"Are you okay?" He whispered and loosened his grasp on my waist. I nod my head, my mind replaying what happened in the dream. It wasn't a big deal but for some reason, it took a toll on my body and mind. It scared the shit out of me but Kayden, the same man who shot me and almost killed my brother, brought me back to reality with his kind and sweet words.

"Yeah," I breathed out. My eyes flicked off his blue and green ones and they landed on the bathroom door. There was a hole punched through the door with wood on the floor. "You were screaming my name, in a terrifying way not..." Kayden whispers, easily taking back my attention. "Mhm," I hummed with a smile.

Kayden couldn't move past the sad look he wore. "It hurt to see you like that," Kayden mumbled. My eyebrows furrowed, waiting for him to go on. "It felt like I couldn't help you, I felt useless and all I wanted to do was make it stop," he continues, showing me his vulnerability, and his hand around my waist automatically tightens. "It was just a dream, I'm okay," I say. Kayden hesitated in nodding his head and he finally takes his eyes off of me.

"I have a mission for us that I think you're gonna enjoy," Kayden changes the topic, and finally, his lips stretches into an excited smile. "And what's that?" I curiously asked. His fingers slid under my face softly, his thumb ghosted over my cheek.

"We're going back to school."


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