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"You sleep ?" Beyoncé heard from over her shoulder as she slid her cell phone under her pillow and closed her eyes trying to decide if she was sleep or not .

Fuck it

It was too late to slow down her breathing and pretend she was in deep slumber and it was late in the afternoon , way too early for her mother to believe she was tired enough to take a nap .

Instead of answering her Bey turned on her side and Waited to hear hear what was so important that her mom had to bust into her room and do the infamous black parent stare down like she didn't have any business being comfortable and relaxing when there was some chore that needed to be done .

"I'm going to the store to get some more fabric and Material for the new outfits I was planning on making for the photo shoot you guys have next week" Tina said digging through her purse for her red lipstick and shades .


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Okay ..... What that got to do with me ? Bey thought as she sat up .

"Put some shoes on , I want to get there before all the good stuff is gone " Tina said making Bey blow out a deep breath to keep from groaning and throwing a hissy fit on the floor like she was 6 instead of 16

"Mommmm" Bey whined . "Do I have to go ?" Bey asked hoping she could convince her to let her stay home .

"Do you really want me to pick the materials by myself ?" Tina asked .


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Bey plugged in her headphones as soon as she got in the car . She wasn't really planning on getting too cute today so she decided some loose jeans , a Calvin Klein top and hat she got from Kelly as a birthday gift , some mascara and clear lipgloss should be enough to go out in .

Just in case she saw someone from school she added big hoops in her ears for good measure .

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