BabySitter Part I

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Jay sighed as his noticed where his wife's attention was

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Jay sighed as his noticed where his wife's attention was .

On date nights , it was a known rule to have both of their phones facing down in the center of the table so they could shut out other people , work , and their social media's choosing to instead put their focus on each other .

Things had been going well , but every few seconds or so her eyes would divert from the seafood she had been craving for the past week to the middle of the table where their phones rested .

He could tell by her face that she was about five seconds from losing it

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He could tell by her face that she was about five seconds from losing it .

"Bey ?"he called out to get her attention .

"Huh ?" She asked looking down at her plate grabbing a random crab leg and breaking it so she could pretend her mind wasn't just on that phone .

Damn , she thought as she bit into it and out a little lemon on it .

This was some good ass food

This was some good ass food

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"You have to trust her . She's more than old enough to be left in charge and we left her with specific instructions-"

"She's 14 Shawn" Bey corrected ."I knew I shouldn't have let her babysit . What is she Gonna do with two 8 year olds when I can barely get her to clean up after herself and stop being a smart ass when she doesn't get her way" Bey said knowing her daughter was up to no good.

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