Lunch break

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Bey sunk her little baby teeth into her burger , making sure the bite was cute enough for the photographers outside that didn't know what lunch break meant and full enough that she got the meat , the bread , the pickles , the cheese , and the baco...

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Bey sunk her little baby teeth into her burger , making sure the bite was cute enough for the photographers outside that didn't know what lunch break meant and full enough that she got the meat , the bread , the pickles , the cheese , and the bacon  in one motion .

The juices from the sand which rolled down her fingers and chin as she closed her eyes and savored the taste before lifting her hand and giving the crew a thumbs up so they knew she was down with them and rolled the window up .

After prancing around in the sun for hours and riding on the back of a motorcycle in  the stark white backless piece of Lacey cloth they called a dress on she was sore , sunburned , exhausted , and hungry

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After prancing around in the sun for hours and riding on the back of a motorcycle in  the stark white backless piece of Lacey cloth they called a dress on she was sore , sunburned , exhausted , and hungry .

"Shawn , how am I supposed to turn on the air conditioning if you have the door open . Either you stay inside or outside , you're not about to keep letting my air out " Bey said as she grabbed a bag of chips and started on that while she waited for her food to get soft enough to swallow . You know you fat as hell when you get mad at yourself for not chewing fast enough so you can eat more food .

"My mom and aunts used to say that " he said as he continued to search trough his bag with his damn door still open

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"My mom and aunts used to say that " he said as he continued to search trough his bag with his damn door still open .

"Then you should know better , shouldn't you be eating anyway ? " Bey Asked  hoping he would pick one . This was not her outdoor weave and her scalp was starting to sweat . "What are you looking for anyway ?" Bey Asked as she licked some mayo from her finger before sipping her sprite and making a face .

Why was McDonald's strong as fuck ? Is this what a lightning bolt tasted like ? McDonalds sprite was the equivalent to eating the Devils ass

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Why was McDonald's strong as fuck ? Is this what a lightning bolt tasted like ? McDonalds sprite was the equivalent to eating the Devils ass . That shit burned for no reason

"How am I supposed to eat with no food Bey ?" Jay Asked as he searched through the unmarked bag .

Bey looked down at her half eaten fries and burger wrapped In her lap before it dawned on her .

"Here you can have a bite of mines" she offered quickly , taking one last piece before holding it out for him to bite

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"Here you can have a bite of mines" she offered quickly , taking one last piece before holding it out for him to bite .

"You just bit off of it " he said moving back some .

"So ? You eat my ass , what's the dif -"

"No I meant you already ate half of it Bey . I need the bacon cheeseburger I ordered and I'll be fine but thanks anyway " he said patting her bare thigh and kissing her before she  put her food down and tried to look away befor he-

"You ate my food didn't you ?" He Asked when he tasted bacon on her lips . "You're supposed to be a vegan " he lightly scolded .

Fuck cows , Bey thought . If they didn't want to He eaten then tf they taste so good for ?

"How was I supposed to know they only sent two burgers ? Somebody's getting fired because-"Bey started but was cut off by her husbands laughter .

"What?" Bey Asked tryin To figure out what was funny .

"First of all , you have food all over us greedy face " he said grabbing a napkin and cleaning it off for her .

"And two , you only left me one bite and called it a half " he said .

"I already said I felt bad dang " Bey said sitting back in her seat as she thought of how she could him something to eat before they had to start filming again . "I'll get you something to eat " Bey said as she messaged Julius .

When she felt her seat moving back she thought she was going crazy , her hand shooting out to grip his as her heart starting beating fast as hell .

"I know , but since you ate all my food and mines isn't here yet I have to eat something . I'm starving " he smirked .

"I can't believe we're doing this " Bey groaned as she moved the wrappers out of the way and threw the bag in the backseat .

"What am I going to do when Julius pops out of nowhere? You know he moves in silence " Bey said as she felt Jay slip her panties off as she lifted up . "We do not pay him enough for this " Bey laughed as his breath tickled her thighs .

"Just let me eat in peace " he said tapping her legs so she'd relax her thighs as Bey reached over him and turned on the radio so it could drown them out .

It would be playing "Blow " 🤦🏽‍♀️

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It would be playing "Blow " 🤦🏽‍♀️

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