Our Song

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"You know this is our song right?"Jay said as he took her hand in his kissing below her rings before he turned her around so that her back was against his front , his dick pressing against her showing just how excited he was to be with her

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"You know this is our song right?"Jay said as he took her hand in his kissing below her rings before he turned her around so that her back was against his front , his dick pressing against her showing just how excited he was to be with her.

"Since when?" Bey asked sipping from her double solo cup , grabbing a handful of braids of bronzed colored braids in her hand so she could flip them over her shoulder so that nothing was between them.

"You honestly don't remember?"he asked .

Confusion masked Bey's face as racked her brain for the memory he had attached to Maxwells voice crooning over the speakers in the background.

"Don't worry about it" he said spinning her once again

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"Don't worry about it" he said spinning her once again . "I'll just have to remind you"He said pulling her into his chest as they danced like they were the only two souls in the room .

Their hands naturally found each other's , her much smaller ones dwarfing in comparison to his as he held them over his heart , the other rested on the small of her back

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Their hands naturally found each other's , her much smaller ones dwarfing in comparison to his as he held them over his heart , the other rested on the small of her back .

"It's 2003 " he began as he began to sway her . "The boats never had the music you liked so -"

"You made me a playlist "Bey continued, her lips curling into a smile as she thought about the disk that still sat at the bottom of her closet in a box of keepsakes that were dear to her heart from game tickets , letters he wrote her , old sweaters he had given her when she was young , to the tattoo design on her ring finger that he had drawn on a napkin before they did the deed .

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