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"Maybe she's just busy" Jay said trying to get comfortable beside her so he could rub his feet together and go to sleep but she kept moving around frustrating the living hell out of him as she sat on the edge of their bed with her phone on speaker so he had to hear the conversation too .

Bey shot him a look before rolling over and positioning the phone so that he could see redial her sisters phone number

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Bey shot him a look before rolling over and positioning the phone so that he could see redial her sisters phone number .

It went straight to voicemail again making her sigh and rub her bite her nail as she waited to hear the beep so she could leave another message.

"Maybe she's busy" she mumbled waiting for her sisters voicemail to get done talking .

"Are you serious ? I literally just said that and you told me to shut up

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"Are you serious ? I literally just said that and you told me to shut up . It's midnight Bey and who knows what time it is wherever she may be . What's so important that you have to talk to right this second ? You've left her 5 messages already , she probably blocked you" he said .

"Then give me your phone" she said holding out her hand . "Hold on - shhhh" she said putting her hand on his face as she took a deep breath and started her message .

"Hey , it's me Beyoncé -"

"Who else ?" Jay mumbled moving her hand off his face .

"Be quiet" she said putting her hand over the receiver before turning and going back to speaking .

"It's your sister . I don't know if you've gotten my other messages or if you're somewhere where your service is really bad but call me back as soon as you get this okay ? It's very important" she said hoping that was convincing enough before remembering she said something similar on the last one. "It's mama" she lied before dropping the phone making it seem like something dramatic happened and hanging up .

"You done ?" Jay asked as he watched her plug her IPad up , well Blue's IPad . She wasn't allowed to have electronics at night because she would stay on them until the sun rose and not get any sleep , but how he was thinking about doing the same to his wife who was still up doubled caked up on this Friday evening .

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