Pinky Promise

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"How do I look ?" Bey asked as she blotted her reapplied lipstick with a paper towel before tossing it and readjusting her lace headpiece so that it lay over her puffy red eyes again

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"How do I look ?" Bey asked as she blotted her reapplied lipstick with a paper towel before tossing it and readjusting her lace headpiece so that it lay over her puffy red eyes again .

"Pitiful " Solange said bluntly from her spot posted up by the sink .

"Excuse me ?" Bey asked as she set her makeup bag back down on the counter .

She hated when people spoke down to her like she was a child who couldn't stand up for herself .

"You heard me Thu Thu

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"You heard me Thu Thu. Somethings been off with since we got here and suddenly you're just ready to duck off to the bathroom to fix your makeup or whatever it is you want to call it to hide your tears . I know you've been crying and now I'm stuck in this oversized bathroom with you instead eating -"

"No one made you follow me Solange . I can handle myself , I think sometimes you forget that I'm the big sister here " Bey said annoyed .

"And sometimes your Husband forgets he has a wife but you're not ready for that conversation" Solange challenged . "Or are you ?" She pressed.

"First of all I haven't been crying " Bey argued

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"First of all I haven't been crying " Bey argued .

"So you're eyes are just red and puffy from allergy season ? Is this what he's taught you ? To lie ?" Solange asked .

"Watch it and no . I haven't been crying and I don't have an seasonal allergies " Bey defended. "My face is red because I'm hot and I touched up my makeup because I'm sweating " she corrected diverging her eyes to the ring on her finger Jay had picked up from the carpet earlier when it it slid off .

Almost as if it was fighting to stay on her ring finger .

Solange followed her gaze and picked up on a faint shadow of a bruise on her wrist .

"It's him " Solange concluded before turning on her heel dress her in hand .

"Solo Wait !" Bey called out as she Linked  her arm with hers

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"Solo Wait !" Bey called out as she Linked her arm with hers. "I don't want to start anything" Bey said quietly in an embarrassed tone .

"Look , you can spare me the details about whatever's bothering you but what you're not going to do is keep lying to me " Solo said blocking the door with her slim frame.

"I think I saw her tonight " Bey mumbled

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"I think I saw her tonight " Bey mumbled .

"Her ? Oh you mean HER" Solange laughed bitterly as she called to mind the exact person her sister was referring to . "And that made you cry ?" Solange asked not understanding the waterworks .

When she saw bitches she didn't like she wanted to beat some ass , but cry but her sister was more of the emotional passive aggressive type .

"He waved at her and I think they may have spoken but I'm not sure , I just saw lips moving -"

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"He waved at her and I think they may have spoken but I'm not sure , I just saw lips moving -"

"They has a conversation when she knows who he's hers with ? He has some nerve " Solo said shaking her head. "Not only is that disrespectful to you and your marriage it's low down and inconsiderate. I'm sure if you were chatting it up with some random nigga here or somebody you worked he'd have a problem with it " Solange argued . 

"Solange please let it go . It's nothing , I'm just making it out to be more than what it is . Maybe I should stop drinking " Bey sighed as she rubbed her forehead .

She wasn't drunk but she was definitely tipsy . This could all be a mind game and she didn't want anyone hurt in the process .

"I promise I won't touch her " Solange swore .

"Solange -"

"Pink promise "Solo said holding hers out for Bey to ravel hers with .

"And don't tell Shawn I told you anything about this okay . He already thinks I don't trust him " Bey said as she held the door open for both of them to exit .

They had been gone long enough for someone to start to worry and the last thing she needed was Julius barging in here .

"You first " Solange said as they headed towards the elevator .

She wasn't gonna touch ole girl , but she didn't say shit about Jay 😏

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