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Jay rolled over , the sound of pots and pans rattling erasing every trace of sleep from his body as he reached behind him ready to bring Bey closer to him so he could use her as blanket , but his hands fell on cool sheets .

He cracked his eyes open expecting to see the bathroom light from under the door since sometimes she would get up early just to soak in the bath , but when he saw the door wide open with no one inside he knew the noise was coming from her.

Sighing he swiped the duvet from his half clothed form wiping his face with his hand as he let out a loud yawn and stretched for a good few minutes so tempted to fall back to sleep and call it a late morning .

After hitting the bathroom up to relive himself , wash his face , and brush his teeth he headed toward the kitchen to see her facing the opposite direction bent over so far that her cheeks were out of her shorts searching the lower cabinets for something before she gave up and squatted down pulling out two large silver bowls .

"What's that smell ?" He asked immediately as an unpleasant odor filled his nostrils .

Bey jumped hard burning her finger on the oven as she opened it to see that the second batch of biscuits she had put in not even a few minutes ago were black .

"Fuck" she said sticking her finger in her mouth as she turned the oven off closing it with her hip as she turned to open a new pack of canned biscuits to try while she finished cutting up some fruit

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"Fuck" she said sticking her finger in her mouth as she turned the oven off closing it with her hip as she turned to open a new pack of canned biscuits to try while she finished cutting up some fruit .

"You good ?" He asked trying to cross the room to see what damage she had done to her hand but she started freaking out .

"You're supposed to be sleeping" she said sadly as she adjusted her apron that barely covered her cheeky panties she had paired with one his Black Album T-shirts.

"So you can burn my place down ?" He teased waiting until she was near the garbage throwing away bread crust and trash away to kiss her on the forehead and lips not missing the flour on her cheek .

How long had she been up ?

How long had she been up ?

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