Babysitter Part II

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Blue didn't know if her heart had suddenly malfunctioned , but she surely could not feel that constant life giving pounding against her rib cage that she felt every other day when she wasn't in shock

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Blue didn't know if her heart had suddenly malfunctioned , but she surely could not feel that constant life giving pounding against her rib cage that she felt every other day when she wasn't in shock .

Maybe she was dead . Shouldn't she be dead ?


She couldn't be dead if she could still see her parents in front of her , her mother's mouth moving but no sound seemed to be coming out .

Was she going deaf too ?

"Shawn you better get to her before I do" she finally heard

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"Shawn you better get to her before I do" she finally heard .

Bey was now seated with her leg bouncing a hundred miles a minute . So fast she didn't know how her brother was even comfortable sitting on her lap when he was damn near about to be vibrated to the marble floors beneath them .

Jay couldn't even hear anymore , a loud ringing in his head buzzing through each ear like static as he took in the visual before him

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Jay couldn't even hear anymore , a loud ringing in his head buzzing through each ear like static as he took in the visual before him .

A boy that did not belong in this house was cuddled behind his teenage daughter watching tv and eating like an old married couple .

He thought for sure he was seeing thing until he heard the loud thud of the boys body slamming into the floor after being pushed by his daughter who was looking up at him like a deer in headlights holding her breath while he lay on the floor beneath her feet tangled in the red throw blanket his grandmother Hattie had knitted for him years ago , pieces of chicken and napkins from the Popeyes box scattered everywhere .

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