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Bey nervously pushed the curtain back that lead to the backstage trailers and where the crew worked behind the scenes to keep the show running , laying her mic down on the first table she saw as her eyes scanned the room for a sight of anyone

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Bey nervously pushed the curtain back that lead to the backstage trailers and where the crew worked behind the scenes to keep the show running , laying her mic down on the first table she saw as her eyes scanned the room for a sight of anyone .

For as long as she's been performing she's known it was NEEVEER quiet 🤫

Backstage was usually buzzing with conversation and movement , but today she couldn't find a soul .

Was she being punk'd ?

Bey nearly jumped out of her skin when she was her husband standing there in just sweats in a tshirt

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Bey nearly jumped out of her skin when she was her husband standing there in just sweats in a tshirt . They had literally just gotten offstage, how did he ....?

"You're late " Jay said as he pulled a shot glass from the table behind him and held it out for her .

Late ?

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Late ?

"I don't think we should be drinking right now" Bey said avoiding the elephant in the room as she declined his offer . "Where is everybody ? I don't pay them to -"

"I told them to leave " He said cutting her off .

"Why would you do that ? I have to get this costume off and I have to go over tomorrow's schedule-"

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