Engage You

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Bey looked up from the keys at the sound of her husbands voice and the movement of his hand out of the corner of her eye catching her attention

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Bey looked up from the keys at the sound of her husbands voice and the movement of his hand out of the corner of her eye catching her attention.

"I want an engagement ring" he said looking down at the ring on his left ring finger flexing his fist open and closed before he brought his hand closer to her face . "But you won't engage me -"

"I will engage you" She answered without thinking. "I mean propose" she corrected laughing at her mistake .

She didn't know if he was joking or not but with after filming a few scenes today , playing piano for him , and the amazing date nights they had shared at least twice a week while they were on vacation she feeling more than moved to show him just how much she loved him .

It was like every time she would try and put it into words how much he meant to her and how much she genuinely enjoyed his company wether it be listening to him vent about something or even having him lay across her lap with her face in her chest playing with his wild hair while they watched tv or listened to a record playing nothing seemed good enough .

There were no words or lyrics she could process to get the message across but then again , her mother always reminded her as a child that actions spoke louder than words .

If he wanted her to propose then she would do it and make it just as over the top as the ones in the movies .

"20 years" Bey said the thought hitting her at once .

"20 years ?" The director repeated .

"Since you've been engaged ?" Her stylist asked rubbing a lent brush down her black gown while the camera wasn't rolling .

"It'll be 20 years next year right ? That's crazy" Bey said still in her own world as she stared at her husband smiling at the core memories they shared at the mention of it . "You've put up with me that long ?" She wondered out loud .

"Put up with you ?" He asked giving her a look that said they'd talk about it later after they heard the director start to do playback .



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