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"Are you seriously jealous of a two year ?" Jay asked Bey who suddenly phone her phone interesting after he gave their two year old daughter a piggy back ride through the lobby and tossed her in the air a few times to get her to laugh

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"Are you seriously jealous of a two year ?" Jay asked Bey who suddenly phone her phone interesting after he gave their two year old daughter a piggy back ride through the lobby and tossed her in the air a few times to get her to laugh .

"I'm not jealous of a baby" Bey insisted even though her tone gave off different vibes

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"I'm not jealous of a baby" Bey insisted even though her tone gave off different vibes."You're doing what fathers do , what's their to be jealous of ?" She shrugged going back to looking at her phone when she finally felt her head being snatched in the opposite direction . "That hurt mommy" She told Blue as she uncurled her fingers one by one from the strands of hair she had grabbed to get her attention. "We use words remember?" She said demonstrating how to properly get her attention while Blue laughed at her ignoring everything she was saying as she patted her face holding onto her hair so she could get a better view of her phone .

"Because you're my baby too" he said sitting beside them grabbing Blue so he could sit her in his lap and get her out of Bey's hair .

"I'm not a baby" Bey fussed .

"I didn't say you were a baby , I said your my baby" he corrected . "What are you looking at anyway ?" He asked trying to lay his head on her shoulder so he could see her phone too .

"Checking my emails" Bey answered moving her phone some."Solange sent me some new pictures of Ju-"

"The lies" Jay said dramatically making her fold her arms as she waited for him to lower his voice and stop laughing in her ear . "Your phone is dead and you know how I know it's dead ? Because I let her run down your battery watching Doc Mcstuffin's with headphones while you were sleep before she decided she wanted to play" he admitted .

Bey glared at him before slipping her deceased phone into her pocket .

She was caught and all she could do was ignore him until he went away .

"Do you want me to give you the daddy treatment too?" He asked handing Blue over to a friend as he stood up and held his hands out for her to take .

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