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Bey winced as she watched her husband undo the straps of her six inch stilettos she had she had worn the entire night for show

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Bey winced as she watched her husband undo the straps of her six inch stilettos she had she had worn the entire night for show .

What started off as a show turned into torture as she realized she wasn't going to have a chance to sit down the anytime soon .

For hours she met and greeted friends , fans , people she didn't know , paps .

"Why do you do this to yourself ?"Jay asked as he rested her reddened swollen feet in his lap .

The design of the straps that held her foot in the shoe were still etched into her skin , a side sign of how uncomfortable they must've Been .

After rotating her ankles a time for good measure he grabbed the small pool of steaming hot water and threw a towel over his shoulder so he could dry and lotion her feet when they were done soaking , a ritual he was having to do more and more as she refused to stop wearing the shoes she claimed were worth the struggle .

As long as he'd known her she had been a certified country girl , choosing to go barefoot whenever she could and pushing the boundaries she was at a fancier establishment .

He never complained since she would sometimes run her foot up and down his leg under the table and close to his di-

"Don't make me answer that"Bey sighed as she felt his hands start to kneed the tender flesh of her sore foot , digging in places she didn't even know existed .

"Wait , go down some"Bey said as she closed her and moved down further so it would be raise for him , throwing her head back when his thumb came into contact with the spot she was hoping he'd reach .

When his fingers ghosted a knot near her ankle you would've thought he had hit her g-spot , a loud moan escaping her lips .

He started bending and stretching her toes so well she didn't know such ecstasy existed.

Whatever he asked her for in return for this message she would give him , a baby included because this right here was no pull out worthy .

"Fuck" Bey gasped as he dipped her feet in the scolding water not out of pain but out of pleasure .

The water wrapped around her skin like a glove , the jets beating the spots he missed as she continued to squirm in her seat verbally letting him know how good this felt .

Jay was trying his best not to let her affect his mood .

She was obviously in pain but he was still a man and his brain couldn't decipher the reasons for her moaning , all his second head knew was that his wife was being pleasured .

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