Knowles - Carter

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"You ready ?"Jay asked as he grabbed his Fiancé hand

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"You ready ?"Jay asked as he grabbed his Fiancé hand.

It was crazy how is word could take their relationship to the next level , but every since their engagement in Paris it's been a non stop thing .

Now everyone wanted to know a date , Almost every conversation revolves around the wedding , and people were talking babies already .

"If you mean ready to be outed then yes "Bey said as she climbed the courthouse steps two at time like a big kid

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"If you mean ready to be outed then yes "Bey said as she climbed the courthouse steps two at time like a big kid .

Today was the long awaited day that they had to apply for a marriage license and they both had been dreading it .

There was no paparazzi in sight as far as they knew but People were sneaky as hell plus A marriage license was public record which means it could found by anyone .

"Oh , so you don't want the world knowing that you're marrying me ?"Jay questioned as he opened the door for her clutching his chest is a dramatic fashion in mock pain .

"You know that if I could stand on a rooftop and scream to the world that was marrying Shawn Corey Carter himself I would . I just want this to be announced on our time " Bey Clarified.

"Mhmm"Jay said as if he didn't believe her making Bey hit him in the arm .

"You on that Ike and Tina shit already " Jay laughed as he playfully pushed her back ."Is this what I'm signing up for ? A lifetime of your little weak punches ?" He teased moving just as their names were called .

"Shawn Carter and Beyoncé Knowles " the woman announced loudly as if they weren't the only people in line .

They had already paid so now was just the signing process that needed completing .

"Okay , you can sign here"she said as she passed both of them pens and the needed documents.

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