Girls ( And Boys) Love Beyoncé

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Bey was sleeping comfortably when she felt something buzzing under her cheek only increasing the severity of her headache

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Bey was sleeping comfortably when she felt something buzzing under her cheek only increasing the severity of her headache . Why did she keep doing this to herself ? Alcohol tasted good going down but left you with one hell of a hangover , a hangover she wasn't ready to meet until noon .

When Kelly peaked her eye open and saw that Bey wasn't going to answer her phone she snatched the iPhone and answered it herself barely putting it to her ear when she heard yelling . Uh uh

"It's for you " Kelly said tossing the phone at Beys face before turning over .

"No I didn't get your text " Bey said sleepily as she laid the phone on her pillow and let Jay rant about whatever it is he was talking about before she hung up .

"What did he want ?" Kelly asked as she turned back over .

"He said he's on his way up " Bey mumbled before pulling the blankets back up .

"On his way upstairs or on his way to Vegas Bey ?"Kelly asked . A sick Bey was a useless Bey since just stopped functioning until she felt better . She just hoped she knew that if Jay popped up and she was this wasted -

Kelly jumped when she heard a knock on the door . She guessed his message meant "Here" instead of on his way up .

Kelly got up about to answer the door when she realized she was still naked from the night before and hurried up and grabbed the first thing she saw which happened to be an over sized white T-shirt .

"She up ?" Jay asked as he looked behind Kelly to a massive lump in the center of the bed with its head covered

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"She up ?" Jay asked as he looked behind Kelly to a massive lump in the center of the bed with its head covered .

"Kind of " Kelly said not really sure how to explain Bey's hangover without telling him that was the one that told Bey to get drunk of her ass then left her by herself which almost lead to her getting drugged and God knows what else by some creeps and that that caused them to miss getting the tattoos that he knew nothing about or that They had a fight because Kelly couldn't admit to be the real reason she cared so much which lead to them having sex .

"I know she got drunk last night " Jay said shaking his head . He knew all about girl code but knowing that they hid something of this caliber had him questioning everything . If he thought Bey's call was fake last night the big ass hickeys littering Kelly's neck and chest was a dead giveaway that something had definitely went down between them .

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