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Jay blinked his eyes reaching around him to try and grab ahold of something when his hand bumped something .

When he looked up and saw his wife looking at her laptop with the blankets up to her chest .


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"Is this light bothering you ? I figured it would help you with whatever little nightmare you were having " Bey said nonchalantly as she continued to move her mouse with her finger .

"Nightmare ?"

"Bad dream , night terror , incubus whatever you want to call it . We have three kids I think I know when I see someone tossing and turning , plus I know you ... or at least I think I do " Bey sighed .

Jay didn't like the way she said the last sentence so since she was acting all motherly he moved her hand and threw his head in her lap .

"Ow what the fuck Corey ?" Bey winced while rubbing his head in a soothing manner . "If I was pregnant your big headed ass would've killed it " Bey said scrolling down .

"You're pregnant?"He asked trying to sit up and see

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"You're pregnant?"He asked trying to sit up and see .

"Move " Bey said moving his Ashy hand from pushing her shirt up . "I said "if " maybe you need to sleep this off " Bey suggested .

"Don't even play like that , you know I'll always love my seed " he said kissing her belly anyway . "I've been trying to get you pregnant since your birthday " he admitted .

"That's sweet " Bey said giving him more bad vibes . Was that sarcasm ?

"I'm serious " Jay said . "I want another baby " he said .

"You have more than enough kids " Bey said coldly .

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