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Bey carefully unhooked the heels that had been strapped to her ankles all night , sighing in relief as they clambered to the floor wiggling her toes once they were finally free

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Bey carefully unhooked the heels that had been strapped to her ankles all night , sighing in relief as they clambered to the floor wiggling her toes once they were finally free .

The leather sofa she was seated I was sticking to her thighs making that annoying sound that reminded her why she had no such furniture in her own home .

Jamaica apparently had different ideas and believed that every day was Friday , parties going on from sunrise to sundown , drinks being sold before noon out of places that didn't even know What licenses looked like , and apparently no one knew boundaries .

Bey was too tired and buzzed to even consider removing the shell of a dress she had on and removing it would just leave her in her bra and shorts giving the couch more skin to stick too .

The phone was her only focus at the moment , or moreso the person not calling it .

The last time she saw her husband was at the club and even though she's certain she's the last person he wanted to see he could've at least sent a "I'm okay " to calm her racing heart .

The night had started off great , the both of To vowing to live like they've never lived before which included not sticking to each other the entire night like they usually did . It was Jamaica , a place known to be friendly especially when it came to dancing so to keep from glaring at each other all night every time they got asked to dance they separated .

With a colored wig and the clothes to match the scene she wasn't "Beyoncé " for the night

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With a colored wig and the clothes to match the scene she wasn't "Beyoncé " for the night . She was Dream and for the rest of the night that's what she went by to even Jay so it wouldn't raise any confusion . As soon as she walked in she was every man ( and woman's ) dream and she acted accordingly.

To warm things up she danced with her man first testing the waters of how well she fit it .

In seconds she was swarmed and swept away wether he liked it or not

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In seconds she was swarmed and swept away wether he liked it or not . It was all fun and games until Jay Broke character and -

Bey heard the sound of the door slamming open waking her from her pitiful slumber and her makeshift bed with her fist as her pillow .

She knew it was none other than Jay , and if he wanted an argument he had good point so she just hoped she was sober enough to defend herself.

Her anger melted away at the sight of her man , a small bandage over his eye and the scent of rain and cheap perfume on him .

"Where have you been?" Bey Asked regaining focus

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"Where have you been?" Bey Asked regaining focus .

"Looking for you " he said ridding himself of his shirt as he moved her feet so he could sit down .

"So I could sit there and watch you fight that man for nothing ? No thank you " Bey said rolling her eyes as she stood on her knees so she could tower over him . "I told you I didn't know him like that and that we agreed not to interfere tonight . I was just dancing -"

"With your ass all on while you touched your toes and got him all excited . Had them thinking y'all were a thing ? You watch too much damn Save the Last Dance "Sarah" . You acting single is not what we agreed on " Jay fired back .

Bey didn't know what else he meant but "mingle" but for once she relaxed tonight

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Bey didn't know what else he meant but "mingle" but for once she relaxed tonight . For as long as she could remember she's been under him , literally before she was even old enough to drink and had carry water with her to fit in because she didn't want to get her ass best if he caught her trying to sneak some .

She didn't know it but she was tired of following him around like a lost puppy and sitting in VIP when she just wanted to throw her cup up to the heavens and make tonight her mood for ever .

"You're acting like I did it on purpose . He was just close , everyone was Shawn . The club was packed so where else -

"So if I would've had girls all over me taking their tops off and giving me lap dances it would've been cool right ? Just enjoying the night? They were twerking on me because it was too crowded right?" Jay asked as he started to message her feet.

Bey thought about his past and how many women would push past her to get to him .

When Jay was met with silence he had his answer

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When Jay was met with silence he had his answer.

"You didn't have to hit him though" Bey said silently after a few beats of silence .

Her first thought was go get in between them but one look from Jay made her rethink her entire life .

"I would lay on you but you smell like that Hoe that probably put that band aid on your eye" Bey shaded.

"Whatever" Jay said as he leaned back and closed his eyes . He was used to her being on her bullshit , but as long as she was close to him he could sleep just fine .

Bye counted his breaths and realized he was actually trying to go to sleep without her .

"Thought you were mad at me" Jay said Jane he felt her body weight on his chest , his and automatically wrapping around her waist to steady her .

"I am , Goodnight" Bey said as the lull of his heartbeat put her to sleep .

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