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Bey leaned back in her seat as the sweltering heat began to become unbearable

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Bey leaned back in her seat as the sweltering heat began to become unbearable.

Even with the little white jumper she had on only covered enough to be considered appropriate she was still hot and she was literally starting to feel an attitude coming on , the source the heat and something else she couldn't identify .

Everyone knew only black people caught an attitude when they got hot and she was about to show her ass .

When she looked over and saw that Jay had gotten so comfortable he was barely holding onto Micah she saw the perfect opportunity.

"Not like that Jay ! You're going to hurt him" Bey bagged as she took the boy from him siting him in her lap waiting for him to get comfortable.

Of course the first thing he did was bury his big head all on her Breast which had become sensitive to touch .

When she moved his head and he put it right back she just left it alone .

Jay just looked at her with a straight face as he drank from his water bottle .

He didn't know what her problem was but he was getting tired of the constant arguments she was picking .

It was too hot for this shit .

Bey held Micah for the rest of the game since her pride was too great to give him back to his uncle .

She was so happy when Jay's team lost so she could home and turn the air conditioner to its highest setting and go to sleep .

It was around Micah's nap time anyway so he could just sleep with her .

"In case you've forgotten I've done this before probably more than you have " Jay said as he opened the apartment door for her since she was carrying Micah even after he told her he would do it since he was heavy as hell .

Now Bey was mad because of the way he picked Micah up when he got him out of the car .

"I know "Bey said rolling her eyes as she took her shades off . "You have a million nieces and nephews blah blah blah , and so do I and even I know you're not supposed to pick kids by one arm "Bey argued as she adjusted Micah on her hip .

When she found out Jay was babysitting on what was supposed to be their weekend together she decided that she would pack enough clothes to stay at his place to help out .

It would Also serve as the perfect way to break the news she had been dreading .

This weekend was a test of sorts , a little practice for the both of them and he was already failing .

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