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Bey was looking forward to resting her exhausted form on the self warming leather seat of the truck they were in at just the right angle with the heavily tinted windows to give her the illusion of nighttime when she felt someone grab her .

When she turned and saw her Husband holding flutes of champagne she was seriously considering declining .

The post turn up after a long two hour concert used to be her favorite moment of the night , but that was before children came along with their own sleeping schedules and needs .

If she could get home and get them to sleep so that she could do all she needed to do before she rested her own head she would consider herself lucky .

She could tell that he caught on to her mood because suddenly his lips found hers , a sure distraction and a great wake up call.

When he pulled back he could tell she was willing to at least listen to what he had to offer .

"It won't take long , I promise

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"It won't take long , I promise . I just want to keep tradition alive " he said holding out her glass for her to take . "A quick toast for one of the best shows we've done in Europe" he said clicking his glass against hers.

"Wait what about Blue ?" Bey asked as she watched Julius lay her down in her seat as she fought her sleep trying to hold on to the balloon she had gotten from Bey's celebration gifts in her dressing room .

"She can't drink " Jay laughed before he gave Julius a silent thanks opting to leave the car door open so they could keep an eye on their sleeping child .

"Salud" Bey smiled as she raised her glass playfully rolling her eyes at his goofiness

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"Salud" Bey smiled as she raised her glass playfully rolling her eyes at his goofiness .

"Toast to the greatest living entertainer of our generation" he said raising his glass yet again smiling down at her as she quickly pulled the glass away from her puckered lips just in time to meet his .

"And toast to-"

"Shawn , what are you doing ?" Bey interrupted . "Tradition is one toast and we get out of here . Just imagine how good we're gonna sleep tonight with the air on , my sister said she has the kids" she said smirking thinking she was about to get her way .

Yeah , she wasn't serious at all about doing anything other than sleeping when they got to the hotel but he didn't know that .

"Just one more ?" He asked holding his glass up .

When she didn't protest he raised his glass yet again this time holding it above her head .

"I want to thank you for going on this adventure with me" he began . "For believing in this tour despite how last minute and unprepared it was when I sprung the idea your way , for not shutting me out , and for be willing to change some things in your schedule to rehearse and travel which included being away from the babies " he said knowing how hard it was for her after she had already struggled with spending enough time while she practiced for Coachella a few months before . "I could not have asked for anyone to be a better Bonnie to my Clyde , but I want to especially thank you for making sure that you made room for undivided attention to me and to the children individually. You could easily made this all about them and getting your rest but you made it your mission to keep up with our weekly date night even if it was drinks outside on the balcony or staying up to share dessert and talk" he said trying not to get emotional .

"Are you trying to make me cry ?" Bey asked as she lifted her hand to wipe a stray tear

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"Are you trying to make me cry ?" Bey asked as she lifted her hand to wipe a stray tear .

He always said thank you , but it never hurt to hear exactly what he was thankful for and why . It just hit different for some reason to be appreciated by someone so much that they would come at you like this , especially knowing he wasn't to best when it came to words .

"Not at all , but happy tears are welcome" he said lifting his drink toward hers , the satisfying sound of the glasses meeting the only sound between them as they searched each other's eyes aside from Blue's slight snores .

"Cheers" she smiled proudly before lifting the flute to her lips to drain the glass of champagne and get in the car before she passed out from pure exhaustion.

When she saw that he wasn't sipping his she got a bit confused but opened her mouth anyway before tilting the glass back nearly choking when something fell in her mouth.

"Jay what the hell ?!" She shouted as she spit out whatever was giving her mouth that salty metallic taste , a ring in her palm faced downwards .

"I didn't know you were gonna drink it that fast" he defended .

"What is this ?" She asked hoping it wasn't what she thought it was .

"Your other push gift" he answered taking the glass from her so she could hold out her hand . "I wanted to give it to you in the hospital but nothing went to plan " he said remembering how fast that day moved .

She had been in pain all night until she couldn't take it anymore . A scan and at home ultrasound showed that both her and the babies heart rates and vitals were dangerously low and that she would need an emergency c-section that would all three of them in the hospital for a few weeks .

He had never seen her so sick and depressed but that didn't stop him from trying in every possible way to keep her updated on the babies and keep her mind off of the negative thoughts intruding her mind .

"Cheers to being the best mother and wife in the world" he said kissing her forehead as he brought her in for a side hug .

"I'll drink to that" she smiled happy that they shared this little moment .

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