When Stars Collide

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"Fuck" Bey groaned as she looked down at the press on nails she bought the other day at Walgreens while she was picking up allergy medicine for the kids .

She was running later than usual and if she didn't get the kids to daycare on time they she'd get another write up and her kids would have to go somewhere else

"Fuck" she heard from the backseat making her roll her eyes as she adjusted her mirror .

"Marley Olivia you better than to repeat that " Bey slightly scolded somewhat regretting not waking up early enough to fix them a hot meal

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"Marley Olivia you better than to repeat that " Bey slightly scolded somewhat regretting not waking up early enough to fix them a hot meal .

Her babies were in the backseat with Poptart crumbs everywhere and a sippy cup of cold milk she had poured from the last of the jug .

She had put grocery shopping on her list but her food stamps hadn't hit when she expected so she left out with the bare minimum to feed them with and nothing for herself .

If no one else ate in the house her babies were always going to have their bellies full .

If she could just get the to daycare and head to work she'd have enough with her paycheck today to go shopping and get them some more juice , milk , and pull ups .

"Him spill" she heard not a second layer

Seeing spilled food and milk in the backseat would upset anyone but she knew it was an accident and by the look of her babies face that he was more frustrated than she was

The breakfast pastry that she had bitten the crust off earlier per his request was now face down on the side where the gummy red center was collecting dust , dirt , and hair

All things that made the food no longer edible which meant he was without breakfast

This wasn't something she could just pick up and blow off

This wasn't something she could just pick up and blow off

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"Mommy's not mad at you baby . I'll get you a new one when we get closer to the daycare" she promised .

Beyoncé sighed out loud waiting until her front bumper was even with the stop sign before she placed her foot on the break and used a napkin to pick up the pop tart and throw it away

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