Practice Makes Perfect

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Jay answered his phone as soon as he heard it ring . When he saw it wasn't Bey's number he sighed and said hello anyway since he had already hit talk .

"What?" Jay answered dryly as he Turned over in his bed so he could get comfortable. He was hard as a brick and he had no one to relieve it so his attitude was on 10 .

"Boy I know you didn't answer me with no what ?" He heard making him sit up .

"Ma?" He questioned as if he didn't know her voice . She rarely called this early unless it was an emergency so he was instantly tensed as he waited for an explanation.

"Yes , the woman who birthed you . Why haven't you been at work ?" She asked making him pull the phone back and look at her like she was crazy .

How did she know- nevermind

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How did she know- nevermind . His mother figured out everything . He'd be surprised if she didn't know about Bey's pregnancy scare the other day or about the ring he had tucked away in his sock drawer so he could propose later this year .

"I just haven't been feeling it " Jay said honestly and he hadn't . It's been three days since he's seen or heard from Bey and it wearing him down . She had blocked him on just about everything including emails which he didn't even know was possible . In all fairness he did blow up any line he could get his hands on and even called her rude ass sister to see if she could leave Bey a message .

"What have you done to that girl now ?" Gloria asked shaking her head . Whenever her son got in his feelings he knew it was only one person behind it . She didn't know what it was about Beyoncé but she could literally make or break his day all depending on her mood .

"Why does it always have to be ? You really gonna Blame your only son ?" Jay asked holding his heart on mock pain .

"You know damn well you have a brother , you know the one you stab-"

"Okay ma dang . I was just asking why you treat Bey better . She could get away with murder and she'd still be your favorite " Jay laughed .

"I didn't say she was my favorite she's just very likable . Plus I know you're always speaking before you think so what did you say this time ?" Gloria asked .

Jay gave her a quick rundown of their weekend together including the pregnancy scare part since it was a huge chunk of why things went left before finally telling her why Bey left .

"Why didn't you just tell her the truth ?" Gloria asked .

"I didn't say anything " Jay defended .

"That's the point . You didn't tell her yes or no so of course she was going to go with the worst answer . Communication is key and every time you leave her with answered questions about your past she's going to assume you're hiding something or that you don't trust her " Gloria explained .

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