Pretty Hurts

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Jay rolled over looking for a source for warmth only to find cool sheets and all the blankets on his side.

Squinting his eyes he looked over at his phone to see that it was only 6 am . The hell was she doing up already ?

He checked the cameras on the wall to see what the twins were up to and they were still sound asleep in their cribs so where was his wife ?

After a quick piss and a shower he dried himself off hoping she'd come through the door ranting about how he showered without her or complain about him not taking a baby monitor with him in case something happened to the kids but she never came .

After a routine check in on the kids rooms he picked up a few things off the floor and put them in the assigned laundry shoots , tidied up the babies changing table and restocked the bin with diapers since he saw they were running low , got out two outfits for when they did wake up around 7:30 wanting to babble and eat from their high chairs , and headed downstairs but not before checking to see where Blue was .

It wouldn't surprise him if the two had left to get an early breakfast or took a trip to the fabric store to see what they could take to Bey's Ivy Park meetings to present .

He knew Blue loved him with all her heart but for the most part she was actually a mommy's girl

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He knew Blue loved him with all her heart but for the most part she was actually a mommy's girl .
Any and everything her mother did she wanted to be around to observe or somehow be apart of . People would probably think of how miserable she was hanging with adults all day but she loved it and she loved performing and camera time .

When she wasn't at school or dance she was always busy doing something and he loved that about her .

So when he made his way into the kitchen and saw her sitting by herself , her little feet swinging from the bar stool with a frown on her face he was a bit worried .

He could tell by the way she was stabbing the fruit in her bowl that she was frustrated

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He could tell by the way she was stabbing the fruit in her bowl that she was frustrated.

"You don't like your breakfast? Did the chef make it wrong ? You know you can still be respectful and honest at the same time" he said knowing that they had raised her with excellent manners especially when it came to people that worked for them .

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