I Cant Breathe

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"You ask " Rumi read on her phone

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"You ask " Rumi read on her phone .

"You're literally right behind me , you could've said it out loud " Rue said before going back to Tik Tok . They had been trying to leave the house all morning but they were still on punishment for pretty much the entire summer for everything they did on vacation .

"You ruined it dumbass" Blue said as she threw a pillow at her . "She likes you the most , go over there and lay on her lap or something and ask her can we go to the store " Blue asked .

"I'm not dumb and you don't even want to go to the store you're trying to go with Marcus and we're already in trouble " Rumi reasoned .

She didn't really like her sisters boyfriend but she wouldn't tell her that and give her another reason to hate her .

"So . Do you want me to bring him here -"

"No " Rumi said loudly .

"I'm trying to take a nap " Bey mumbled from the other side of the room .

"With dads hand under the blanket ?" Blue asked making Bey roll her eyes .

"Stop " Bey whispered to Jay as he pressed up against her entrance .

"Hell nah " he said . "They'll be alright " he whispered in her ear before wrapping his arm around her like he was trying to keep her from falling of the spacious sofa .

"Mom , can I go to the store ?" Rumi finally asked .

"Yes " "No " Bey and Jay said at the same time .

"No " Bey repeated making Sir sigh under his breath . He was tired of being in this damn house and seeing the same stuff everyday . He felt they had learned their lesson and the stuff that happened between his sisters had nothing to do with him anyway . He was guilty by association and that wasn't even fair .

"Let them go " Jay said getting an amen from Blue .

"Fine " Blue sighed

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"Fine " Blue sighed . "Guess we'll just have to sit here as a family " she said turning the tv on mute knowing her dad was using it as a distraction. She couldn't care less about her parents sex life , she was trying to see about her own .

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