Ring the Alarm

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"Move "Jay said in no mood for games or the people that had crowded outside of Bey's dressing room .

"Let him through"Solange said running up to him as she tried to get through the crowd as well .

"How bad is it ?"Jay asked not wanting her to sugar coat anything about his girlfriends current condition. He just wanted to prepare himself for stubbornness he was about to walk into and hearing from someone who saw the incident up close would tell him better than she would .

"She's refusing to go to the hospital and she won't let anyone touch her but mom , just a heads up "Solange said with her hands up in surrender.

She knew when her sister got like this there was no point in trying to change her mind .

"She just fell down a flight of stairs head first , she's going " Jay said before he pushed the door open scanning the room for her .

Just as solange has explained she was encircled by medics she was ignoring, close family members who were trying to gauge her injuries , and her mom at the center holding a towel under her chin as she continued to try to talk her into getting some help .

He could tell by the look on Bey's face that she was silently being scolded . Black moms had a "yelling in public " face that looked calm to outsiders but meant trouble to you as they whispered whatever they had to say through clenched teeth loud enough for only you to hear .

"I'm fine mama"He heard but the crack in her voice said different alerting him that it was time to step in . She was clearly overwhelmed and being spoken to from every direction was only making it worst .

"Bey"Jay's voice boomed scaring everyone as they turned away from what they were doing to find the source of the voice that came out of nowhere .

Bey looked up at him like a deer in headlights her slender hands taking the ice pack from her mom so she could place it under her chin .

"Y'all can leave

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"Y'all can leave . Anyone that's not supposed to be in here needs to go "Jay said as he took of his jacket and tossed it on the couch where he noticed bloody tissues were laying along with the long red trench coat she had on for her performance .

He wasted no time getting on his knees in front of her , not even waiting for people to start leaving before he grabbed the hand she had tucked under the ice pack .

"Where Does it hurt ?"Jay asked as he flinched at the sight of her the bruises and deep gash under chin which was probably broke her fall and kept her doing some serious damage . From his angle it looked like her neck had bent at an odd angle which is what sent him into a panic before he saw her just shake it off .

Her neck obviously wasn't broken , the way she was banging her head and hitting choreography gave that away , but the staggering she did shortly before she left the stage left him wondering if she had hit her head in the violent tumble down the metal steps .

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