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Bye and Jay strolled through the busy streets of the small city they were in just a little outside of France , their home away from home

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Bye and Jay strolled through the busy streets of the small city they were in just a little outside of France , their home away from home .

The sound of Bey's heels colliding with the cobble stoned road was almost as loud as the buzzing voices and music around them , his hand securely attached to her neck to both guide and keep her balanced .

Why she insisted on wearing heels on vacation was beyond him but he wasn't about to tell her what to wear , not that she'd allow him to anyway .

"What are we doing after this again ? "Bey asked hoping if she kept pestering him about their plans that he'd slip up and tell her just to quiet her . She was like a little kid when it came to surprises , her heart just couldn't handle the suspense .

"It's called a surprise for a reason Ma , just know you're going to enjoy it " he said with a smirk that made her bite her bottom lip .

"Is it something we'll both enjoy ?" She asked seductively in a low tone while hugging his side so that she was closer to his ear .

Jay tightened his grip playfully until she let out a little squeal and pushed him away , the distance short lived as they moved back together like magnets .

"Aye , you don't need to be grabbing on her like that "Came a voice from the other direction .

If they weren't so close Bey would've thought they were talking to someone else but Jay looked up when he heard him , and she's enough an older man and his wife were making their way towards them .

It was a blessing and a curse to not be as famous as they were in remote places . People felt connected with them and treated them like normal human beings instead of public property and figures to pose with .

They let them order and eat without interruption , shop until they dropped without being harassed and so on . It got to the point where they volunteered to do pictures and sign autographs because they were so grateful .

That was until now .

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