Mug shot ( Part 2 to "The kiss ")

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Bey extracted several makeup wipes from the pack she kept at her sink and began her nightly regimen while Jay tended to the kids

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Bey extracted several makeup wipes from the pack she kept at her sink and began her nightly regimen while Jay tended to the kids . She didn't tell him that she had went and got them all riled up with her hugs and kisses But it serves him right for having an attitude.

She hoped one of twins threw up on him or broke one of his chains just to ruin his night .

After tossing the now Carmel colored wipes in the trash she reached for her exfoliating scrub and face wash so she could get the makeup the wipes didn't reach out and cleanse deep into her pores .

When she was done applying her mask she grabbed her toothbrush from the special cup Blue had made her . It was out of place in her nicely color coordinated bathroom but it was her favorite piece and something she cherished .

As she brushed her teeth her mind wandered back to how silent Jay had been on the way home . She was surprised to find that he was actually upset about the whole Omari incident even after she explained that it was an accident.

If he chose to be salty out of all of the flavors in the world then that was his problem , she just hoped he got over soon because she wanted to go to sleep and in order to do that she had to be laid all up under him or on top of him , whatever was most comfortable for them .

If he wanted to be petty , she could be pettyoncé and end this thing once and for all .

After spitting the minty remnants of the toothpaste into the sink she rinsed her mouth out with water before taking a shot of mouthwash and swishing that around Until her cheeks and gums felt like they were on fire . At least she knew her mouth was clean .

"Why are you in here ?" Bey Asked when she noticed that not one but all three of the kids on her side of the bed sitting on her pillows and slobbing everywhere .

The last time she checked Blue was sound asleep so she knew Jay had waken her up on purpose . He was really pushing it tonight .

"Blue wanted you to read her a bedtime story, Sir wouldn't let me go , and I couldn't just leave Rumi by herself " Jay smiled . It didn't help that both twins looked up at her and smiled like they knew what their father was talking about .

Bey knew damn well Blue didn't ask for a story . She told her months ago that she didn't have to read to anymore and had just settled on a simple goodnight hug or a quick song . Even when she wasn't working she was working thanks to her babies who  loved to hear her voice almost as her fans did .

Bey glared at him before making her way to her side of the bed so she could move the babies and lay down .

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