Jumpin the Gun

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Bey took a deep breath as she dialed an all too familiar number with her legs crossed applesauce style on the floor of her closet while she waited for the person to pick up.

"Is this my favorite child calling ?" Tina answered in a sing songs voice that sounded too damn excited for it to only be 7 o'clock in the morning.

She wouldn't be surprised if her mom hadn't already been up and gotten some things done before talking to the neighbors while checking the Mail like all old people do .

Bey couldn't help but smile at her moms little compliment but she knew her mom probably told her sister the same thing every time she called as well

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Bey couldn't help but smile at her moms little compliment but she knew her mom probably told her sister the same thing every time she called as well .

"Solange would be offended if I had you on speaker right now " Bey laughed as she used a pink plush arm chair for leverage to help her up so she could go laid across her bed and get comfortable.

40 was creeping up fast but she refused to give into her cracking knees and chronic back pain from carrying the whole Music industry all these years.

"My baby's there ?" Tina asked falling right into Bey's trap at the idea and hearing her youngest daughters voice .

"I knew you liked her better " Bey said mock hurt .

Both girls knew their moms favorite was whoever spent the most time with her and gave her the most attention .

"You know what I meant " Tina sighed as she set her phone on the table and pressed face time , her knees bent as she grabbed turned on the water faucet and began filling a water pot to water her plants

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"You know what I meant " Tina sighed as she set her phone on the table and pressed face time , her knees bent as she grabbed turned on the water faucet and began filling a water pot to water her plants .

Bey looked at her phone and saw her mom was trying to FaceTime 🙄

Bey looked at her phone and saw her mom was trying to FaceTime 🙄

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