Aunt Solo

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"You sure you're okay watching her?"Bey Asked as she balanced Blue,her overnight bag , and her favorite dollhouse in her arms making Solange roll her eyes

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"You sure you're okay watching her?"Bey Asked as she balanced Blue,her overnight bag , and her favorite dollhouse in her arms making Solange roll her eyes .

"Yes " Solange said for the hundredth time . If it was anyone but her sister making her let all her air out asking the same question she would've slammed the door in their face . She couldn't believe that she was really standing here in her doorway still talking to Bey when this was supposed to be a simple drop off ."You do realize that I have a 7 year old  of my own right ? I got this " Solo said reaching her arms out for her niece only for Her mom to pull her back .

"Bey is you don't give me my baby and go have some fun " Solange said as she took Blue from Bey and held her close .

"Okay okay " Bey said handing her the bags and toy."Call me if you need anything even though I think I packed everything-"

"Tell mama Bye " Solange whispered to Blue who started waving and smiling with two fingers in her mouth .

"Wait don't you only have not stuff?" Bey Asked .

"I went to the store last night when you texted me" Solange responded with a sigh . Her sister had about five more seconds before she got the guest treatment .

When Bey finally left she closed the door and set the heavy ass bags by the door knowing she wouldn't be using it .

"Looks like it's just you and me kid " Solo said as she put Blue down so she could walk beside her until they got to her room .

"Wanna listen to some music ? I have baby shark and -"

"I want this " Blue said pointing to the stack of CDS and records she kept even though she had a whole library on her phone .

Solo looked down to see Nas collection and a few other artist she knew her sister would pass out if she found out her toddler listened to and found a decent one .

"I don't think mommy would be cool with this one" Solo tried as her finger hovered over the play button , not liking Blue's little frown .

"One song won't hurt " Solange said as she ditched the CD and grabbed her phone to find a filtered version of playlist before realizing she didn't have one . "Do you know what swear words are ?" Solo Asked .

"Uh Uh " Blue said as she shook her little head, looking through her aunts stuff as loud music filled the room .

"Can I do your makeup ? Mommy let's me do hers"Blue Asked as she held up her most expensive brushes .

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