Houston We Have A Problem

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Bey flinched as her team missed another simple layup her eyes glued to the scoreboard that was clearly not in her favor

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Bey flinched as her team missed another simple layup her eyes glued to the scoreboard that was clearly not in her favor .

"You know looking at the score wont make it move " Jay chimed in making her slouch in her seat as she tried to figure who asked him .

Every other time she went Houston didn't disappoint but now that his hating ass was here they were getting dragged .

"Where's my water ?"Bey Asked as she crossed her arms and resorted to the only thing she knew how to do when she wasn't getting her way , pouting.

Jay turned to see if she was being serious but he couldn't even take her serious with those little ass shades she had on . He knew that behind them she was pouting and being the big baby he loved so much . Was he going to stop teasing her ? Not a chance in hell .

"Under the seat where I left it when you pretended you didn't see me handing it to you " Jay said as he grabbed it for her .

"Mhmm" Bey said as she took the bottle mumbling an unintelligible thank you while she chewed the last bit of flavor out of her spearmint gum before discarding it into a napkin.

She started to untwist the cap when the bottle damn bear slipped out of her glove coated hands before she caught it between her legs looking around to make sure Jay hadn't seen her .

She forgot how slippery the material of these gloves would be when they hit liquid. Now how was she going to drink her water if she couldn't even get the cap off ?

Her mouth was practically cotton at this point and her was on a whole different level now that she could physically see the cool beverage and the ice inside of it .

"Jay " She whispered yelled once she got close enough to him . She couldn't believe she was actually doing this , whew Chile the ghetto .

She struggled with the bottle even more hoping her thighs would Provide more friction so she wouldn't have to ask him until she remembered her suit was all the same material .

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