City Girls Don't go to Bed

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"Fuck with me I'll take yo man "Bey sang as she started grinding on Kelly who was struggling to hold her up

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"Fuck with me I'll take yo man "Bey sang as she started grinding on Kelly who was struggling to hold her up . She couldn't even be mad because she was the reason she was like But she needed her to sober up before they got to the door because she did not want to hear Jay's mouth .

"Leave me alone "Bey said when Kelly tried to grab her again . She really was itching for an ass whoppin again , probably was just mad Because lost the first time .

"Bey I'm not playing with you , either I hold you or you hold my hand so you won't fall " Kelly said as she grabbed her hand again .

"Alright Kelendria, form forget about 5th grade" Bey said making Kelly let her go . She really was going to keep bringing that up like they were little kids and didn't know what they were doing . She only "won " because she pulled hair she let Solange little strong ass jump in .

She still couldn't believe Bey had fought her over a boy she didn't even like . She was just mad because she started dating him because they had shared their first kiss a week before that but Bey was the one that said it was just a practice one so they wouldn't look inexperienced. Didn't matter though Because Bey's mama beat all three of their asses since no one had an answer for why they were fighting in the first place .

"Let's not go there " Kelly said as she tried to remember the code to get in . She was a little drunk herself but she was way more sober than Bey so she was the caregiver for the night .

"Got it "Kelly said as she typed in the code to get in just for Bey to fall forward and hit the door .

"Bitch are you okay?"Kelly asked as she brushed Bey's hair back to see if she hit anything . She hit the door with all her weight so she knew that had to hurt or either knock her out . When Bey just looked up at her and laughed Kelly rolled her eyes and tried to help her up . She played too damn much .

"I think I'll sleep right here " Bey said as she curled into a ball and got comfortable. Kelly was about to say something when the door opened revealing a tired looking Jay .

Kelly looked behind him as saw that the kids were sleep so she decided she'd put them to bed so they wouldn't hear anything .

He took one look at his wife and knew she had one too many.

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