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Part two of "When Stars Collide"

A few hour had passed in the nearly empty garage of the car shop Beyoncé had pulled into by a stroke of Chance This morning and the conversation had not stopped

Outside of her immediate family , Beyoncé never really got to converse with adults the way she liked to

Work gossip was what she was accustomed to but to have a genuine conversation with someone who was actually listening and reciprocating the relaxed vibes she was putting out was nice for a change

The spoke about everything from their job , high school , what was more difficult ( The Newborn or Toddler stage ) , what made them happy , pet peeves , annoying family members , and everything under the sun it seemed

But there was still a part of her that was a bit skeptical about letting him all the way in so she made sure to keep her distance emotionally

To limit the amount of times her lips curled into a smile and her dimple popped

The urge to get all giddy and show visible excitement

The pressing feeling to tell him her whole life story because he was such a good listener

She could tell that he was picking up on her retracting but like most men, he kept pushing

The only difference was that he didn't call her a bitch for switching up attitudes on him

"Mama wook" Marley said pointing to the the tv in front of them that Carter had been nice enough to turn to Cartoon Network for them

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"Mama wook" Marley said pointing to the the tv in front of them that Carter had been nice enough to turn to Cartoon Network for them

They were currently snuggled up on the couch in his office with the blankets Beyoncé kept in the car , their toys , and snacks they didn't need any more of but refused to let go

"I see baby " Bey smiled

"Are you my daddy?" Marley asked making Bey choke on the hot chocolate she was drinking , the hot liquid almost pouring out of her nose as she reached for tissues and tried to hide the snot bubble that had come out while she coughed

"You're good" Carter assured her as he grabbed more tissue and kneeled before her , settling himself between her legs as she coughed patting her chest to expel the liquid she inhaled by accident

"Thank you" Bey said with red watery eyes as she finally looked up to see him face to face with her

"Thank you" Bey said with red watery eyes as she finally looked up to see him face to face with her

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