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"What Time does the flight leave ?" Jay called over Blue's escalating whines .

When he noticed Bey hadn't heard him he tapped her shoulder making her head whip around , the mug she was wearing making him forget his question.

When he noticed Bey hadn't heard him he tapped her shoulder making her head whip around , the mug she was wearing making him forget his question

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"What ?" Bey Asked .

"Um what time does the flight leave ?" Jay asked a little louder .

In response Bey dropped her bags on the ground blocking the exit , laughing a dry, humorless laugh before crossing her arms .

"We're not going ANYWHERE until she gets it together " Bey concluded before turning back to their toddler who decided that now was the time to start stomping her little feet .

Jay was trying to help but the two people he loved most were getting on each other's nerves and Blue didn't stand a chance right now .

"What does she want ?" Jay asked, unlike her willing to pacify her with whatever it was .

"The iPad " Bey said reaching for Blue's hand and pulling her out of the way before she bumped into the people in front of them . "I told her she can have it , she just has to wait until we board but it looks like she won't be getting sh-"Bey started before they heard a loud thud .

Blue had thrown herself down to the floor , crying and screaming like someone stole something from her bringing unwanted attention to them .

Jay picked her up , prepared to take her to somewhere more private like the bathroom to handle it but Bey beat him to it .

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She was already in a mood today and he was not about to be in the same boat as Blue so he just stood there

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She was already in a mood today and he was not about to be in the same boat as Blue so he just stood there.

She moved so fast he didn't even see her being taken away or the nanny arriving to grab her but he did see the all too familiar memory of his mother crouching down to his level and the sound of an unintelligible whispered threat only you could hear .

Whatever Bey said must've worked because now she was quiet , not even the occasional sniffle .

"Mommy will see on the flight " Bey said sweetly throwing Jay as she waved Bye Bye to Blue.

"What did you tell her ?" Jay asked her rather impressed by her mommy skills

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"What did you tell her ?" Jay asked her rather impressed by her mommy skills .

Seeing her in mommy mode was doing something to him .

"You really wanna know ?" Bey asked leaning in . "I told her to stop embarrassing me in front of these Caucasians before I show my black ass but I used the tone I used when I tell you to try me " Bey explained .

"Leave my baby alone " Jay said wrapping his arm around her . "With your little mean ass " he laughed when he remembered Blue's face as Bey talked to her .

"She'll be fine . My mom would've snatched my ass up and dragged me to the nearest bathroom long before I ever hit the floor . What about you ?" Bey Asked as they showed their boarding passes .

"She has a look reserved just for me but if that didn't work she'd just have my dad handle me and he'd either box me in my chest or tell me something deep about how I was going to regret treating her like that " Jay shrugged .

Bey noticed his change in demeanor at the mention of his father and decided to make him feel better .

"Hey ever heard of that club they only have here ?" Bey Asked making him look around the airport . "I wanna take you there my treat " Bey said sweetly .

"Which one ?" Jay asked confused .

"The mile high club " Bey smirked before pulling her bag as she walked towards their seats .

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