Chapter 57 The Photoshoot Visit

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Clarke P.O.V
I awoke in Bellamy's arms feeling protected, and comfortable. I had to say that the feeling of his arms around me was one of the best things in the world. I looked at Bellamy to see him staring down at me.
He smiled warmly at me."Good morning Princess."
I smiled back at him."Good morning Bellamy." I leaned up so I could kiss him. My lips touched his and he instantly reacted. My hand rested on his chest and his gingerly brushed a piece of my hair off of my face. His arm was still around me, this moment was perfect and nothing could ruin it. He pulled me on top of him, my hands placed on his chest. One of his hands slowly traveled up and down my spine making me shiver as the other rested on my lower back. I heard a sound, but ignored it letting Bellamy's presence be the only thing occupying my mind. I tugged on his bottom lip slightly and-
"My eyes! They burn!"Octavia's whines interrupted us. I turned my head and saw her covering both yes with her hands then promptly turning to walk outside. Bellamy rolled his eyes as I laughed. I turned back to face Bellamy.
"Where were we know?" He asked playfully. I responded by kissing him, only to be once again interrupted by Octavia.
"Are you guys done!?" She yelled from outside the bedroom door.
Bellamy groaned,"Well know we are! Thanks O!"
"You're welcome Bell!" She yelled back and added,"Now get your lazy asses out of the friggin bed!"I shook my head smiling. Octavia was always so polite.
"No please?" Bellamy asked. He got no response so I assumed Octavia was already downstairs."C'mon Princess we better get up before she barrels in here and physically forces us out of bed."
I smiled at him,"Fine, but only if you make breakfast."
He stuck out his hand,"Deal."
I shook his hand,"Deal." I rolled of him then we stood up, and before I knew it he had me thrown over his shoulder and we were rushing downstairs. I pounded on his back telling him to let me down while giggling uncontrollably. Finally we had arrived to the kitchen wear Octavia was drinking a cup of water. I craned my neck to look at Octavia. She had one finger up signaling us to wait while she slowly drank the water. Once she had downed all the water she let out a refreshing,"Aahhhh. That was some cool water." I raised an eyebrow at her and I assumed Bellamy did as well. Being slung over his shoulder made it difficult to see his face.
A sudden look of realization crossed Octavia's face, and she smiled ."Oh I was going to tell you guys something."
"And what was that something O?" Bellamy asked.
Still smiling she said,"I want to help you guys with your wedding planning!"
I laughed,"Well you were going to do that anyways, your the maid of honor and you have to help like it or not."
She through a fist up in the air in triumph."Yeah!" Bellamy lightly set me down beside him. His eyebrows creased together and he looked slightly worried.
"What's wrong?" I asked him.
He turned to me and with a serious face and a horrified voice he said,"If Octavia is helping, everything will be butterfly's and unicorns. I'm going to be puking rainbows until our tenth anniversary." I laughed.
"Hey!" Octavia yelled,"That. Is. Actually very true." And it was. Octavia might be super tough and in no way squeamish, but she was extremely girly. She loved jewels, sparkles, make up, shiny things, cute things, and anything pink and pretty. I swear she was probably the biggest girly girl I had ever met. Her girly-ness matched her dramatic flare, but that just made me be even happier to have her as my best friend. She wasn't just my best friend, but more like my sister. Kinda like Charlotte the only difference was that I had greater bond with Octavia. She took me out of my comfort zone like only best friends could, and we never fought. Plus she would be great back up for a fight, because this girl could and would tear out someone's eyes if she was pissed.
"I'm gonna get started on breakfast." Bellamy said. Octavia and I sat on the stairs as we waited for Bellamy to finish with breakfast. This house was smaller than mine, but it was about average size. As soon as we sat down she looked at me with sad eyes.
I knew that my next question was going to be really dumbs because the answer was in her eyes."Octavia are you okay?" She broke down into quiet sobs, and I engulfed her in a hug. She cried into my hair and I still didn't know why she was crying. I pulled her to arms length my hand on her shoulders.
She knew what I was going to ask before I did so she answered between sobs, and it sounded like a bunch of mush. I could only make out a few words."He was l... " She hiccuped,"I y-yelled.....we talked.....broke up." She looked up me and though I could make little of her words I knew what she meant.
"Jasper and you got in a fight because you said he was spending to much time on his project, and you yelled at him. Then you talked about it and what he was working on was something for you and you decided that you weren't right for each other and you broke up. Is that what happened?" I asked looking at her. Still teary she nodded. I pulled her in for another hug.
"Do you still like him?" I asked.
"Yes, but I just don't get those butterfly's in my stomach when I see him." She explained."I feel like the flame has burned out."
I nodded in understanding."Well then if you feel like that your better his way because it was not meant to be and you'll end up hurting each other."
"Okay." She said as she pulled away. She wiped her tears and dried her eyes."How do I look?" Her hair was neat and her eyes were only slightly red from crying.
I smiled brightly."Amazing like always."
"Breakfast is ready!" Bellamy called. We went to the kitchen and ate our omelets. After we finished, Octavia dragged me upstairs to get dressed. Not before she took a picture of me in Bellamy's shirt though, saying I looked 'way too cute to not take a picture.' She let me borrow some black ripped jeans and a gray t-shirt with silver letters that said,"Fight Me". I tied my hair once again into a high pony tail. Octavia wore a lavender flowy top and gray jeans with black boots. We went downstairs where Bellamy was waiting for us and then went to his car. We were going to pick up Charlotte and Thalia to go visit Camilo at the hospital. When we arrived Octavia was the one to go get them since I dint want to speak with my family at the moment. I saw that Uncle Wallace opened the door, and I saw Octavia stand her ground not fidgeting for a second. Moments later Thalia and Charlotte followed Octavia into the backseat of the car. We drove to Phoenix Hospital, when we arrived Charlotte was the first one to race to the receptionist desk. We asked to see Camilo, then went to his room. When we went into his room I noticed more color had flooded into his face and he didn't look ghostly pale anymore. His smaller cuts and bruises were less noticeable, even if I had seen him two days ago. Charlotte hugged her brother and began to tell him about what had happened the past couple of days. She held her brother's hand and said something that broke my heart,"I miss you Cam. Please wake up." She looked at her brother with such a pleading look that made me feel as if I was going to collapse I'm sobs. This world was so unfair to this little girl. First her mother had been diagnosed with cancer, then she had to move with complete strangers, and now she had to watch her brother like this so weak, so frail. It was terrible, and I thought of what good it did to her to keep her mother's brain cancer a secret, if she now she had to live the same amount of pain but for her brother. I felt Bellamy grab my hand and squeeze it. I looked into his beautiful dark eyes and saw what I was feeling reflected in them. Once Charlotte was done talking to him Octavia talked to him threatening that if he didn't wake up soon she would find a way to wake him up just to give him a good beat down. Though she was joking, I could tell she too was sad for his absence. I mean how could you not miss Camilo? He was nice, caring to those he loved, and sweet, smart too. Plus he stood up for his friends, and was loyal to those who he trusted which weren't many. He was what I liked in a friend and a week without his smile was too long. He was one of my closest friends and I couldn't help, but feel guilty for him saving me. He saved my life and this is how he paid for it? For being a good person and an amazing friend he was in a hospital bed in a coma. This couldn't be even remotely fair. Both Camilo and Charlotte had unfair lives and I just hoped everything would get better for both of them. They were good and deserved to have a happy life. Octavia was finished speaking with Camilo and I took her spot in the chair next to Camilo's bed.
"Hey Camilo, it's been like two days since I visited you." I told him."And a lot of stuff has happened since then. I wish that you would've been there with me through it all. I wish you could've seen the gorgeous butterfly's and the white snow. It was fake, but better than real snow." I continued on."Hopefully you'll wake up soon, so you can be at my wedding." I smiled a bit at the thought. I grabbed his hand as I continued."Everyone needs you to wake up. Can you show us your in there please." I waited.
Camilo P.O.V
I was in a dark room, and I heard a piercing scream."Aaahhh!" The scream chilled my bones. The room I was in was small and cramped, it wasn't a room at all. It was a small closet I realized. I walked out and suddenly the world opened up and I wasn't in any house. I was in a bright forest and I could hear bids chirping and water flowing not to far off. I followed the sound of water and saw a magnificent waterfall. I breathed in the freshness of the water forgetting all about the small, terrifying room I'd been in before. I pulled off my shirt and pants then dived into the water. The coolness felt great on my skin I dove down and opened my eyes underwater and saw nature's beauty. I came back up for air then swam to the waterfall. I noticed there was a cave behind it and I went inside. It was quiet until I heard the echo of a voice,"Hopefully you'll wake up soon, so you can be at my wedding." The voice of the girl was smooth like honey. I couldn't see her, only hear her. I heard the voice again, and I felt something in my hand."Everyone needs you to wake up. Can you show us your in there please." I wish I could wake up but I didn't know how. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to make anything at all happen. Suddenly I heard that same voice say,"He squeezed my hand! Come on Camilo,do someone else. I know you can do it, please Camilo please." I tried again and again the voice spoke."Get the doctor! He did it again." Another voice spoke this time, this time it was higher pitched and sounded like it belonged to someone younger.
"Clarke are you sure?"
"Yes come!" Clarke I guessed said. Everything still sounds like echoes to me and I wondered if I was crazy. Where were these voices coming from anyways? My hand felt different now.
"Do it again Camilo!" Clarke said. I tried and I felt dizzy.
"I felt him squeeze my hand!" The younger voice squealed. I felt the dizziness again and this time it hit me like a tidal wave. I sunk to my knees and everything went pitch black.
Thalia P.O.V
I took various pictures of everyone's interactions with Camilo. They all seemed to care a great lot for him. Now the doctor was checking his vitals.
"Why are they weakening?" Clarke asked worried.
"It appears that history's to move took a lot of a strength from him."The doctor explained."Good news is that if the tests we'll take on him come out positive he might wake up sooner than we thought." They all smiled in relief except Bellamy. Once the doctor left Clarke turned to me,"We can go take your pictures if you want know."
"Actually I took enough pics of all of you for now. Let's just go home." I said. She nodded and we all piled into Bellamy's car. With all their love and care shown for Camilo I really hoped he woke up.

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