Chapter 35

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A/N this is the real chapter.
Clarke P.O.V
It was mid day and I was sitting by the lake. I thought about Anaya's warning yesterday. She had said someone in our camp was a Grounder. Who on Earth could she have been talking about? If there was a Grounder here on the survival trip, that would explain how Anaya knew we were here. That would also be extremely dangerous for us. After we had gotten back to camp we had rounded up Octavia, Miller, Monty, Jasper, and Camilo, even though Bellamy had protested. We had told them what Anaya said, and we also had told them to be careful and to not leave the camp alone. Even if this was a school trip Anaya could make us disappear, or have an "accident." Her threats worried me, especially since I knew she hated Bellamy. I didn't want anything to happen to him. If he got hurt I would be devastated. I couldn't even stand the thought of anything happening to him. He was everything to me. Yes I had my mom, and yes I had my friends, but Bellamy was the only person who completely understood me. He was the person I would give up anything for, the person I would do anything for. The person that I trusted with my life, and my heart with. Also the person that I knew felt the same for me. He would give himself up for me, and I would give myself up for him without a second thought. I loved him and I couldn't live with out him. If he was ever sad, I would comfort him. If he was mad, I would try and calm him down. It might take screaming to do so, but I would try. If he was happy than I would be happy with him. If he was hurting I would hurt with him and do what I could to stop the pain. I let out a breath and stood up from where I was siting. I'd better get back to camp before Bellamy or Octavia or even Camilo noticed I left camp alone. They would all be worried, and maybe even yell at me for being dumb. Well Bellamy and Octavia would, Camilo would probably just tell me how worried he was, which would then make me feel guilty. I headed off to camp.
Anya P.O.V
I stood in the cave where I had found Bellamy and his stupid Princess earlier. I was waiting for my sister to come and tell me on her progress with the boy. My sister was a year younger than me. She was seventeen and a junior at Arke High. She had gone to Arcadia, but I asked her to transfer so she could inform me on the movement of Bellamy. I wanted to know who he cared about, how I could break him. From what she has told me he seemed to care about his bitchy sister, and loser of a girlfriend the most. So to break him it seemed as if I had to hurt those to first. I'd figure out how to hurt his bratty sister later on, but now my sister was working on getting information on Clarke. I wanted to destroy Bellamy, but I also wanted Clarke gone. If I couldn't have Bellamy she couldn't either. I thought that it would be better to get information about Clarke from someone who was close to her instead of from the Princess herself. That way it didn't seem suspicious if a random girl came up to her and asked her a bunch of questions. Instead my sister was to get close to one of her closest guy friends. This friend seemed to really like Clarke. I chuckled to myself thinking of this. From what my sister had told me there was at least four guys completely head over heels for this idiot girl. One of which sadly included Bellamy. The others were a guy who hadn't known her for, the boy with the beanie from Bellamy's group, and another boy she used to hang with. How did all of these guys with arguably good qualities, and not to mention quite handsome, fall for one girl? One girl who did not have any favorable characteristics. I shook my head those guys must be complete dumb asses.
"Anya, I am here." My sister said, stepping into the cave.
"Hello little sister." I greeted her with a hug."How has the trip been?"
"Terrible these Arke High people are incredibly boring and dull." She answered
"I am so sorry you have to be there. I know it must be torture." I said sincerely.
"It is, but that is okay. I would not be a good little sister if I did not to help get back at those who have hurt you." She smiled at me nicely.
I smiled at her."Thank you sister."
"Besides, you are the leader of the Grounders, now that brother has stepped down. What kind of member would I be if I did not help my leader?" She asked.
"Okay, now what progress have you made with the boy?" I asked her. I was not here to chat, I was here to get a progress report in our plan and some useful information.
"To be completely truthful not much, but he has agreed to go on a date with me." She answered.
"That is fine we still have time before they graduate. Remember that if you do good you get your Grounder mark." I told her. The Grounder mark was a black arrow head tattoo. It was usually on the members back near the left shoulder. After about three years of being a member then passing a test given to you by the leader you would get your mark and become an official member. Not everyone wanted the mark though.
She nodded."How could I forget? I really want my mark, that way I am an official member of the Grounders. I can't believe I still haven't gotten it."
"Has anyone suspected your a Grounder?" I asked.
"No. Everyone just assumes I'm a normal girl, that transferred because I didn't like the school." She answered, and I nodded. Of course they would not think she is part of a gang. Her face looks to innocent. It did help that the Arke High students were not very bright.
"How about the boy? He hasn't suspected anything, am I correct?"
"Yes. He seems more naïve than the others. Though I do have to say he does seem nicer than the others." She responded.
"Okay any information on the Clarke girl?" I asked.
"No, but I do know that the boy Camilo, is living with her and has a little sister."She said.
"Is that all?" She nodded.
"Well then, you must head back to the camp before it gets dark or someone gets suspicious." I told her.
She nodded."Goodbye Anya."
"Goodbye sister, we will have another meeting on the last day of the trip to see what new information you have for me. We will meet here at night just to be sure that no one sees or follows you."
She nodded once more than left. That Camilo boy was unknowingly going to help me destroy the Princess. I laughed at the thought. Poor ignorant idiot, he was going to be helping us break someone he truly liked and cared for.
Clarke P.O.V.
I was walking back to camp when I heard a twig snap. Quickly I turned around, but there was no one there. Cautiously continued walking. Less than five minutes later I heard leaves crunching and it sounded like something was right behind me. Once again I turned around but I saw no one. I slowly walked towards where the sound came from looking behind trees to see if there was someone, but there was no one. Slightly creeped out I turned back around and began sprinting as fast as I could towards camp. I turned my head back to see if there was anyone, but unluckily collided with somebody. We both fell to the ground.
Camilo P.O.V.
I went up to Bellamy."Have you seen Clarke?"
"No, not since the morning. I thought she would be hanging out with you or one of the others." He said.
"Well she's not. Jasper and Octavia are hanging out together, Monty and Raven are in her tent talking about some mechanical stuff, and the rest of them are by the fire." I told him.
"Have you searched the camp?" He asked.
"If I hadn't I wouldn't of come to you." I said truthfully, he looked annoyed at my response. The only reason I did come to him was because I had in fact searched the camp, twice I might add, and she was no where to be found.
"Let's go search for her into the forest there. She cannot be out there alone with Anya lurking in the forest." He said, and we walked to the forest. After five minutes I was about to suggest we go to the lake when some one bumped into me. Successfully tackling me to the ground, and knocking out my breath. I looked at the person who had just tackled me. She had blonde her and big blue eyes.
"Clarke?" I asked.
"Camilo! I am so sorry!" She blushed, then pushed herself off me and stood.
"Why were you running?" Bellamy asked as I stood up. I dusted off my clothes.
"I was feeling a little creeped out because I heard leaves crunching, and no one was there when I turned around. I felt like there was someone watching me so I ran." She answered.
"Why did you go out alone?" Bellamy asked. Before she could answer he added,"We just warned everybody not to do that and that is the first thing you do!"
"I'm sorry I just needed to think!" She yelled back.
"Well that was very dumb." He stated.
"I know it was dumb! You don't need to get all mad."She said.
"I'm not mad Princess, I was just worried that Anya would get to you." He said softly."Please just don't go out alone again. I couldn't stand if anything happened to you." That was a new sight to me. Bellamy Blake was showing emotion that was not anger.
"Okay." Clarke said and smiled.
"Let's head back to camp." Bellamy said, and put an arm around Clarke's shoulders. When we arrived at the camp, Bellamy went to make sure his sister was also in the camp since it was getting dark.
Clarke turned to me."Sorry for knocking you done back there."
I smiled at her."Its fine, but I was worried about you."
"Sorry about that too. It was really dumb of me."
"I'm not gonna disagree but just don't do it again." I told her.
She smiled at me."I won't, I promise."
"Okay." She gave me a hug. Though I was surprised, I did not hesitate to hug her back. I then went to find Keenan to tell her that our trial date would be tomorrow.

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