Chapter 52

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A/N I feel like this chapter is a little confusing. Sorry if it is.
Bellamy P.O.V
Before I left the hospital I gave the receptionist some clothes for Clarke to wear after she's been discharged. Once I left the hospital, I went to a downtown flower shop. If I was going to ask Clarke this important question than I wanted to make it special. As I was searching through the various flowers I had an idea. This idea would require help from certain people, I pulled out my phone.
Me-Hey O, Merry Christmas!🎄
O-Merry Christmas to you too Bell! Are you at the hospital with Clarke?
Me-No, I needed to get some stuff for her surprise, but I need you're help.
O- What's the surprise?
Me-I'll tell you when I see you. Are you at Monty's house with Jasper and Monty?
O-Yeah why?
Me-Stay there, I'm coming over.
O-What are you up to?
Me-You'll see. Hey can you call over Miller, Fox, Miles, Sterling, Atom, and Raven too?
O-Sure Bell, but can you at least tell me what you're planning?
Me-Not until I get over there O. Bye.
I stuffed my phone into my pocket and walked out of the shop. When I arrived at Monty's house I knocked on the door, and Jasper opened.
"He's here!" He yelled. I followed him into the living room. Miller, Fox, Miles, Sterling, Atom, and Raven were already there.
"So are you going to tell us what you wanted us here for?" Miller asked.
"Yeah, for Clarke's surprise I'm going to need your guys' help, before I tell you what the surprise is I need to know if you are in or not." I told them.
They looked at each other.
"Im in." O said.
"Us too." Monty said gesturing to Jasper, Miles, Sterling, Atom, and himself.
"Us three." Fox said gesturing to her and Raven.
I turned to Miller."You in?"
He thought about it."Why not?"
"Okay then." I said.
"What's the surprise?" O asked.
"I'm going to ask Clarke to marry me." I told them. At first they were all shocked into silent, but then they all with the exception of Miller jumped up into the air cheering. Octavia then felt the need to yell." Yeah bitches!"
"Bellarke Forever!" Monty yelled along with Fox. I chuckled and shook my head at them. Jasper, Monty, and Octavia jumped up and down on the couch doing what looked like a victory dance, Fox and Raven did the same, but on the floor, while Miller just leaned against the wall quietly. Atom and Sterling were smiling.
"Are you guys done with your cheering now?" I laughed. They all paused and exchanged looks then O smiled,"Not even close big brother!"
I laughed again. After they had finally calmed down a while I began to tell them how I was going to ask Clarke. The plan me to take her to where our first date was. First though, we had to decorate it. That's what Octavia and Fox were helping me with. Miller was going to be there to film it, Raven and Monty were going to help me with the question. Jasper was going to be the one who helped me make the food since he was strangely good at cooking. Before she arrived at the place were we had our first date though she would be taken on a scavenger hunt of sorts, and that's what Miles was here for. Since Clarke barley would have gotten out of the hospital he would be the one to to make sure Clarke is okay. Miller would be following Clarke close behind to film her as she went through the scavenger hunt. It was going to be on his YouTube channel live as she went on the hunt. When she finally arrived there I had more surprises planned. Since the ring and box's price were lowered I had enough money to do what I wanted to do to ask her. I knew that the wedding if she said yes would cost a good amount of money, but I already planned on getting another job besides video game testing to pay it off. Video game testing only earned me about $1,629 per month. It might still be a small non fancy wedding, but I would be fine with it and I'm sure Clarke would too. Once I finished explaining my plan to them we all got in pairs to go buy the things needed for the surprise, with the exception of Atom and Sterling. They would be waiting at the different locations waiting for the supplies to set up. Fox was with Octavia going to buy decorations, Monty was with Raven, Miles was with Miller, and Jasper was with me. I had given O and Fox $200 each and Raven and Monty $400 each. Miller had insisted that he wanted to buy the stuff needed with his money, so I didn't give him and Miles any money. That left me and Jasper with $600 cash, $100 dollars in my debit card, and about $4,000 in the bank. The first stop for me of course was the flower shop. After going to countless stores and filling up the backset of my car I looked at my phone to check the time. It read two.
Clarke's mom would be at the hospital any minute now. I needed to go.
Me-O are you guys done shopping?
O-Almost, just one store left.
Me-Okay, I need to go to the hospital with Clarke. I'll ask Raven if she can drive you guys to the place.
O-It's fine Fox's brother is driving us around already, he will take us to the place just text the directions to this number 537-7234.
Me-Fine. Thanks for helping me out and decorating O.
O-No prob can you send me a photo of the ring💍?
Me-Sure, later O.
I texted the direction of the place to the phone number O gave me the sent a picture that was already in my phone of the ring to O. I then texted Monty.
Me-Done yet?
Me-Okay once your done head to the place, I'm going to the hospital.
Monty-You're welcome
I then texted Miller.
Me-Miller, Jasper and I are going to drop the stuff off at your house can you help O and Fox set up the decorations.
Miller-Yeah me and Miles are done already, is Jasper cooking at my house?
Miller-Okay are you going to pick up Miles?
Me-Ya, then I'm going to drop him off where the hunt starts so he he can set that part up.
Miller-Sterling and Atom are setting up the rest of the hunt right?
Me-Yeah they're already at the locations. Thanks for helping.
Miller-Don't mention it.
Me-See you later.
I stuffed my phone into my pocket than Jasper and I drove to Miller's house. We took out all the stuff from the back, and then Jasper went off to start cooking. Miles got in the car and I drove him to the first stop of the hunt with all the supples needed for the setup. I then began to drive to the hospital where at the moment my Princess would be getting ready to be discharged.
Clarke P.O.V
The nurse came in with some clothes and told me that my mother would arrive in a little bit and I was going to be discharged, She asked if I needed help changing and I said no, so she left me to change. I put on the midnight blue one shoulder dress, knee high combat boots, and then the necklace Bellamy had given me and the heart and lock bracelet with my fathers watch. The bracelet and watch might look a little odd with the dress, but I didn't care. Once I was done changing there was a knock on my door.
"Come in." I said. The nurse came in and told me that I could wait here till my mother came in. Before she left I stopped her.
"Hey is it possible for me to visit another patient? He was in the car crash with me and I want to go see him."
"Of course you can, what the patients name?"
"Camilo Cortez."
She thought about it then said,"He's in room 323. Do you want me to take you there?"
"No thank you, I can go by myself." I said. She nodded and left the room. I then walked to Camilo's room and I was shocked by his appearance. He looked weak, fragile even. I couldn't help but think this was my fault. If he hadn't protected me he wouldn't be like this. He would probably be awake and with his sister right now enjoying Christmas. I sat on the chair next to his bed. The room was similar to mine, just as most of the hospital rooms. I grabbed his hand to maybe I don't know offer him support of some kind.
"I'm so sorry, Camilo. If only you didn't jump to protect me, you would be okay right now." I said. I couldn't stop the tears that formed in my eyes. Camilo was my friend and though I hadn't known him for too long we had grown to become really close. Maybe it was because he was currently living what I had to go through years ago as a little kid, or maybe it was just his personality which was shy and caring, though also untrusting. I stayed there for a while until I decided I should go back to my room to wait for my mom. As I got up I felt something squeeze my hand. It was Camilo, he was holding my hand. I left out a breathy laugh and smiled. I let go of his hand and even though I felt tired I ran as quickly as I could to get the doctor. The doctor who's name tag said Sinclair came in and checked his pulse.
He turned to me."So you felt him squeeze your hand?"
I nodded.
"Okay then, we will do some tests to see his brain wave activity, but.." His voice trailed off.
"But what?" I asked.
"It's highly unlikely that he will wake soon." Dr.Sinclair said.
"Why? Didn't I respond the same way?" I asked.
"No actually you moved your finger, and he squeezed your hand. He difference is that him squeezing your hand could have been a simple reflex that is common when a person is in a vegetive state of mind. It's highly unlikely he will wake up soon, because the impact on his head was much greater to yours." He explained.
I nodded."Okay, thank you anyways." I walked to my room and sat down. Not five minutes later Bellamy walked through the door.
"Hey Princess." He smiled.
"Hey Bellamy." I said sounding a little deflated.
Bellamy instantly noticed."What's wrong?"
I shrugged."Nothing much,just that I went to go see Camilo and he squeezed my hand."
Bellamy scrunched his eyebrows together in thought."Isn't that good?"
"I thought so, but the doctor said that it's unlikely he will wake up and he's most likely in a vegetive state, where squeezing someone's hand is just a reflex of the body." I told him. He put an arm around my shoulders, and rested his chin on my head.
"He will be alright, you'll see." Bellamy said. We didn't speak at all, and remained there in comfortable silence until my mother walked through the door. She did not seem very happy about seeing Bellamy there.
"Clarke, it's time to go." She said. I nodded, Bellamy stood. He held out his hand for me to hold and I took it. We followed my mother outside, I climbed in her car. Bellamy said he had to go do some more surf for my mysterious surprise, and then left in his car. My mother drove me home, and made sure I was inside before going back to work. I walked upstairs, and as I turned to go to my room I was startled by Miles in a black tuxedo with a midnight blue bow tie.
"Hey Clarke." He greeted.
"Miles what are you doing here?" I asked.
"Oh I'm going to be helping you through what I call surprise part 1." He said. How'd he even get in here?
"Surprise part 1?"
He nodded."Its the first part of Bellamy's surprise for you."
I laughed, of course this was part of Bellamy's surprise. So far I loved it and I haven't even seen much."Okay so where does my surprise start?"
"Right through here." He opened my bedroom door and gestured for me to go in. I slowly walked in. My mouth fell open in astonishment. There were bouquets of white roses on every desk top, and on the bed there were beautiful blue rose petals in the shape of a heart. There was a note on the bed. I picked it up.
It read: Hey Princess hope you like your surprise so far! Miles should be there, he will help guide you through the scavenger hunt. Which really is only sort of like a scavenger hunt. Miles will explain to you what I mean. Here's your first clue:We don't really remember it, but it would be the place were we first met. See you later Princess. I Love you.
I smiled, and began to think where the next location would be.

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