Chapter 87 A Solution? Part 2

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Camilo P.O.V
She was wishing for Bellamy to come and save her, I knew it. Clarke was strong, and could take care of herself, but something's she couldn't handle by herself. Right now the only person she hoped would come and save her, was Bellamy. She still loved him and he still loved her. Though I knew this, I could not rip her out of my heart. I couldn't stop caring for her. I loved Clarke, but I had no chance. Bellamy and Clarke loved each other, and their love was so strong that I couldn't bring myself to try and destroy it. Especially not after that phone call. From what I was able to interpret, I think Bellamy broke up with Clarke to keep her safe, he most likely hadn't even cheated on her. He had accepted being without Clarke, probably feeling as if he was living without a piece of himself, so Clarke could be safe. It didn't matter to him if he was dying on the inside, it didn't matter if he couldn't tell her how much he cared about her, all that mattered to him was Clarke's safety. I realized what I had to do for my own good, and theirs - no matter how much I hated the idea. Even if Clarke and I were in danger now, Bellamy would come through and save Clarke. He would risk anything to save her. Therefore, after all this was over, I needed to let Clarke go.
That way, at least I wouldn't be in the way of her happiness, because I couldn't truly make her happy. Only Bellamy could do that. No matter what they have gone through, or what they would go through Bellamy was Clarke's one true love. And, true love does not die.
Anya P.O.V
After hanging up on Bellamy, I had gone outside to tell the others he was coming, and to keep an eye out for anybody that wasn't him. If he brought anyone with him, they would be killed, along with Camilo. I put two guards in front of the entrance of the house. I also put two guards in front of the basement room door where they were kept. There were two scouts roaming the outside ground.
"Anya!" I heard my sister call.
I turned to her."Yes Keenan?"
Her eyes held a glint of something in them."What are you going to do with them?"
I smiled."Nothing, I'm just going to have some fun."
"Anya, please tell me you're not going to kill them." She said softly.
"I won't." I responded. But one will die.
She seemed relieved but still on edge."Okay, I'll be back once he gets here."
She then walked away to check on the scouts. I went back into the house and headed to the basement. I was going to have some fun. The Princess saw me first, since she was the one facing the door. She glared at me, but I ignored her and walked around to the other side. She couldn't see me anymore, but the boy could.
His venomous gaze would have surprised me, considering I didn't think this boy could hate. I wordlessly bent down and painfully ripped of the duct tape covering his mouth. He let out a grunt.
"Let us go," He spat.
I laughed."But I'm bored and I need some amusement."
Camilo tried to stare me down, but I didn't back down."Well then go buy some video games, and stop being a crazy bitch."
I raised my have and slapped him in the face."Oops my hand slipped." My face was right in front of his. Suddenly he spit in my face.
I stepped back."You stupid boy!"
"You're a coward! You only attack people who can't fight back." He sneered."You're too scared to untie me, because you think I'll escape."
I wiped my face with my sleeve."If you want to be untied all you had to is say so. Jacob! Alex!"
Jacob, a red headed twenty year old came along with Alex, a black haired twenty five year old came in. They were the two guards I put at the door of the basement."Untie him, and hold his arms back for me." They did as told, but Camilo made it difficult for them with all his kicking and pushing. Jacob punched him twice in his stomach and then once in his face, before he calmed down. Jacob restrained him from one side while Alex restrained him on the other. I held his face in one of my hands, turning it from side to side. He tried to pull away, but my grip was strong enough to leave a bruise.
"You know, my sister Keenan, I sense that she actually liked you." I told him. He narrowed his eyes at me, but didn't say anything."Of course she knows that you were just a pathetic way of getting information. All you were to her was a poor sap who was too nice for his own good. You even agreed to go on a date with her. Not that you remember that of course." I continued inspecting his face. "And if I remember correctly, she cared so little about you that as soon as her mission of getting information from you was over, she stopped looking to hang out with you."
Camilo's nostrils flared."You're wrong, I do remember. Not that you need to know, but I began to regain some of my memory, and I think I remember all the ones with Keenan in it. I remember the date, and talking to her during a camping trip, as well as other times I've talked to her. I don't remember much more than that though."
I raised an eyebrow."So you remember how easily you were fooled. I can see why she found you attractive though." Even I couldn't deny he was attractive. "You're such a pretty boy," I told him. He scoffed as I continued,"but you have nothing on Bellamy." I let go of his face." That's why the Princess would always chose him over you." I could see the hurt in his eyes, and I knew I found his weak spot. I laughed. So many idiot boys in love with this worthless girl. Truly it was hilarious."It hurts you doesn't it?" He didn't respond."Of course it does. It hurts you to hear the truth. She'll never love you, because you are not him. Because you are not Bellamy."
"Shut up." Camilo told me. I chuckled.
"Oh poor Lolo, you're on love with a girl who doesn't even care about you."
His gaze turned even more angered, if possible.
"How do you know that name?" He barked.
I smiled."My friends paid a visit to her before she took a turn to the worst."
He seemed to connect the dots."You messed with her treatment! You murdered her!"
I resisted the urge to laugh again."You can't blame everything on me. Maybe it was just her time to go."
He tried to free himself of Jacob and Alex.
"I'll kill you! I swear I will!"
I rolled my eyes."Sure you will." I took out my knife and put the tip on his cheek."Love is a big ol' bitch isn't it. That's the reason why you're here, because you love the Princess. And the reason she's here is because she loves Bellamy. I say that the world should just say,'screw you,' to love but they're not as wise as me." I dragged the blade down from his cheek to his chin, a trail of blood following it.He winced. I then moved to his collar bone, dragging the blade along it in a straight line as I spoke."You know, I was considering brining your sister here instead of you, but an opportunity presented itself and I took it. Lucky for her right?" I could tell he was biting the inside of his bottom lip to keep from groaning pr wincing in pain. He wasn't looking at me, he had his eyes trained forward."It's considered rude to not look at someone when they're talking to you."
He scrunched his nose."And what you're doing is considered psychotic." I grabbed his face once more and pressed my lips against his. He didn't respond and I pulled away.
"Is that considered psychotic?" I questioned.
"That's considered disgusting." He told me.
I rolled my eyes."Jacob, hold out his arm." Jacob did as told. I put my blade on Camilo's for arm and dragged it down slowly, making sure he could feel it. He tried to squirm away but fail. I heard the Princess try to scream in protest, but her mouth was covered by duct tape. I cut his other arm and then moved back to his face, cutting on his forehead and under his eye. I then ordered for his shirt to be taken off. I slit various areas of his chest and stomach and soon he was covered with blood. I didn't cut deep enough to kill, but if Bellamy didn't get here soon and make a decision he would probably pass out from loss of blood.
"I'm done." I proclaimed. Jacob and Alex let him go. Camilo fell to the ground unable to move. I turned towards the Princess, her eyes were filled with horror as she watched Camilo's almost limp body.
"That," I pointed to Camilo with my blade."Is your fault." I then turned away to go wait for Bellamy outside, hearing her muffled screams.
Bellamy P.O.V
I arrived to the place where Anaya's texts had directed me to. A switchblade was in my pocket, a gun was tucked into my waistband. I got out of my car and headed towards the house in the distance. As I neared, I saw two guards and Anaya standing in front of it.
Anaya saw me first."Bellamy Blake, come with me." I followed cautiously. She led me to the basement and into a room. When I entered I immediately noticed Clarke tied up.
"Clarke!" I called.
She looked up at me, relief on her eyes. She tried to say something, but her mouth was covered. I quickly crossed the room to get to her. I carefully took off the duck tape on her mouth.
"Bellamy, Camilo." She said, then nodded to something behind me. That's when I turned and saw Camilo on the floor. His arms were bloody as was the floor near him. He was unconscious.
"Anaya, I thought you weren't going to hurt them!" I yelled just as Keenan came into the room.
"Anya, what did you do?" Keenan asked as she crouched next to Camilo to make sure he was breathing, and sighing when she realized he was.
"I didn't hurt your little Princess." She told me innocently. I glared at her, I never thought I could hate someone as much as I hated her. I began to untie Clarke.
"Not so fast," Anaya said."Keenan take the boy to Bellamy's car. The Scouts will take you to it, leave him there then come back."
Keenan began to argue,"But Anaya-"
"Do as I say."
Keenan and both of the guards picked up Camilo and dragged him away. I finished untying Clarke. She stood immediately.
"Neither of you are going anywhere until Bellamy makes a choice." She told us.
I narrowed my eyes at her."What choice?"
She smirked."You have to choose between your life and hers."I knew where this was going.
"And what if I choose to kill you instead?"
She barked out a laugh."Then you'll both die, the guards and Scouts will come in as soon as they hear me scream and they will kill both of you and Camilo." I k ew there was at least six Grounders around this hours and I knew they would kill us both if I tried to harm their leader right now.
"Are you ready to make your choice?" She asked cynically. In a split second I pushed Clarke behind me and took out my gun. Anaya reacted quickly, taking out her own gun.
"Let us leave or I will put a bullet between your eyes." I threatened.
She sneered."I told you, do that and you will both die. Now put down the gun." I considered my options and realized I had no choice. I also needed to buy time, I knew I could get Clarke safely out of here, but I needed time- even if that time meant I had to make this choice. I lowered my gun.
"Now put it on the ground and back away." Anaya ordered.
I put my gun on the floor, Clarke and I backed away to the wall.
"Make your choice now." Anaya barked.
I took a deep breath, and turned to Clarke. I cupped her face in my hands.
"I love you Princess." I told her.
Her eyes met mine."Bellamy don't you dare, do what I think you're going to do."
"I love you Clarke, don't forget it." I hugged her, and she wrapped her arms around me tightly, as if she didn't want to let go. I didn't want to let go of her either, but I needed to make this choice. I pressed a kiss to the tip of her head.
"I wont forget it, because you're going to be there every day of my life to remind me of it." She told me firmly.
I chuckled softly."I wish that was true."
Her hold on me tightened."Bellamy I swear, if you do this I will revive you just to kill you again."
I smiled softly."Don't forget me."
"Bellamy please, I cant live without you." Her voice was cracked.
I used to of my fingers to tilt her chin up gently. Her gorgeous blue eyes were watery."Yes you can, and you will for me. Promise me you'll fight on, because Clarke you at e a fighter, a survivor."
She sniffles."I love you Bellamy, I love you with all my being, with all my heart, with all of me." I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers gently. I savored I as much as I could. This was possibly the last kiss I would ever have with the love of my life, my Princess, my Clarke. Our lips separated.I pressed my forehead against hers.
"I love you so much." I told her sincerely.
She shook her head, her eyes still closed."No Bellamy, you can't leave me alone, you can't." I rubbed the side of her cheek with my thumb.
"Good bye Clarke." I turned to Anaya.
"I made my choice. Take my life and let her go."
Anaya nodded and raises her gun." I'm surprised, she must have you intoxicated with something powerful, if you're willing to die for her."
I looked back at Clarke."I'm not intoxicated, I'm in love."
Anaya made gagging noises."Whatever you say. Now step forward." I did.
She was about to pull the trigger when Clarke blurted,"No! Kill me! I'm the one who you wanted to kill in the first place not him!" No, she cannot sacrifice herself. I wont let her.
I shook my head."Anaya no, I'm the one who harmed you. I'm the one who broke up with you. Kill me!"
Anaya tilted her head from one side to the other, debating her choices. She couldn't kill Clarke, she couldn't.
Clarke P.O.V
Anya still had the gun pointed to Bellamy. She couldn't kill Bellamy, she couldn't. Just then, Keenan came back in. She saw the gun aimed at Bellamy.
"Anya you told me you weren't going to kill them!" Keenan's voice bordered on worry.
"I gave him a choice." Anya informed her sister."His life or the Princesses. He chose to die for her." I heard a phone buzzing, but nor Anya or Keenan noticed.
"Anya, if you do this there is no going back!" Keenan deadpanned.
Anya still seemed determined."It's not like I'm a saint."
Keenan shook her head."No you're not, but theirs a difference from ordering a death and killing someone yourself."
Anya didn't care what her sister was telling her."I know, and it doesn't matter."
"Anya this has gone too far." Keenan tried to reason with her sister. Anya turned her face to her sister and Bellamy took the chance to charge at Anya, knocking the gun out of her hand and across the room.
I wanted to help, but Bellamy had already anticipated what I was going to do.
"Stay back Clarke!" Usually I wouldn't pay any attention if someone told me not to help, but this was Bellamy and I might just be in the way. Keenan and I backed away.
"Anaya you can't win." Bellamy told her calmly.
"I will win, all I have to do is yell," she smirked.
Bellamy's face was serious." Go ahead, try." Wait...
Anya's eyebrows creased."Alex!" No one came, she stood straighter."Joshua!" Again no one came."Why aren't they coming?"
Bellamy stared her down." They have just been taken into the custody of the Arke City Police Department." My eyes widened
"What?" Anya asked.
"It's over Anaya. This house is surrounded by cops." Bellamy stated.
Anya's nostrils flared."You set me up."
Bellamy nodded. "I did, no you can either go outside peacefully or the the police officers can come inside and take you away the hard way."
Anya glared at Bellamy."Never!" Before any of us could do anything she launched for the gun on the floor. She raised the gun and pointed it at Bellamy, and began walking towards him, until backing him into a corner. Anya was about five feet away from him.
"No Anya don't!" Keenan begged, getting closer to where Bellamy was.
"No!" I yelled.
"Put the gun down Anaya. If you shoot you'll get an even bigger sentence." Bellamy tried to get her to put the gun down.
Anya tilted her head to the side."It was not nice knowing you Bellamy Blake." Her finger was on the trigger.
"No!!!!" I yelled as the gun was shot.

A/N I don't want to give too much away, but you guys shouldn't quit reading yet ;) Sorry for the long wait, but school has been giving me a royal smack down. One more thing:
OH MY GOSH THANK YOU!!! This story reached 103k, you guys have no idea how much that means to me. Seriously you guys are the best.<3 I love you guys <3
You guys give me the motivation to keep writing :)
PS I was listening to Grenade by Bruno Mars while writing the ending

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