Chapter 86 A Solution? Part 1

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A/N I'm sorry this is so short and I'm sorry i haven't updated in like a week. I've been busy with school, but on the bright side I only have about two weeks left of school. PS The vid is called Bellarke - Safe and sound and since the last chapter had a lot of songs, I put them in a playlist on Youtube just incase you wanted to listen to them as you read. The playlist is called Arke High Chapter songs.

Bellamy P.O.V

I paced back in forth. It's been three hours since Miller's dad had picked us up, and then gone to the police station to tell his precinct about Clarke's current situation. Three hours, and still we had heard nothing from him. I sat down next to a worried Octavia, only for me to get up again and start pacing.

"Dude, you have to stop pacing," Miller, who leaned against a wall stated. "You're making me even more nervous than I already am." I ignored him and continued to pace. In came Miller's dad, along with another police officer. O and Miller came to stand next to me.

"What did your precinct say about Clarke?" I asked immediately."What are we going to do to find her?"

The other officer extended his hand for me to shake." Hello I am Detective Joseph Hill, and to answer your question we can do nothing to find Miss Griffin right now."

My eyebrows drew together her as my eyes flared."What do you mean nothing?"

Detective Joseph's face stayed calm. "We cannot do anything to find Clarke until the other Grounders have been imprisoned."

"We have to find her and Camilo," O told them only slightly calm.

"They'll kill both of them if we don't find them soon!" I screamed.

Detective Joseph simply said," We have no other choice. We do not know where they are hiding Miss Griffin or Mr. Cortez."

I ran my hand down my face."That's exactly why we need to look for them."

Detective Joseph shook his head."No, we will not look for them until we know it is safe for us to look. If we search for them now the other Grounders could easily notify their leader and she will move them from their current position."He stared at me and firmly stated," you will not search for them either Mr.Blake."

I glared at the detective."You don't tell me what to do."

Detective Joseph stuffed his hands into his hands. "Mr. Blake, you are legally not allowed to interfere with police business."

I rolled my eyes."I don't give a fuck whether or not this is police business! Clarke is in danger, which makes it my business!"

The detective sighed."Mr. Blake, if I have any suspicion that you will act against my orders, then I will be forced to arrest you."

I ran a hand through my hair."Do you think that matters to me? Because it doesn't. Right now the only one who matters to me is somewhere with people who want to murder her."

O put her hand on my shoulder."Bell just stay calm. We'll find her, even without their help." She glared at the detective.

I looked down at my little sister, a cold expression decorated her face."Let's go O." We walked out, and since my car was still at the school we had to walk. Not five minutes later there was a car honking at us. We looked and saw Miller driving a black Mustang.

"You guys want a ride?"

O and I hopped into his car. I turned to Miller with a raised eyebrow."When did you get this car?"

Miller hesitated to answer."This may or may not be my dad's car which he told me never to use."

I nodded,"Okay. Can you head to the school? I need to get my car, so we can split up to search for Clarke." Miller began to drive to school. When we arrived, O and I went into my car, while Miller went to search the east side of town. O dialed Lincoln's phone number, and put it on speaker. It rang for a while, before he picked up.

"Hello?" His voice sounded groggy, as if he had been asleep.

O swallowed before answering."Hey Lincoln it's Octavia. We need your help. Clarke and Camilo were kidnapped by the Grounders."

There was some rustling noise on the other end of the line. "Go home, I'll meet you two there."

O bit her lip,"Okay." She hung up, and we headed home. When we got home, Lincoln was leaning against his truck waiting for us. He came towards us as we exited my car.

"When were they taken?" Was the first thing he asked.

O responded."A couple hours ago. We should go inside." Lincoln nodded, and we headed inside our house. When we walked in, O and Lincoln sat on the couch while I stood standing.

"Do you have any idea where they might be keeping them?" I asked.

Lincoln took a moment to think."All I know is that wherever they are hiding them, must be a place only the highest ranked Grounders have gone."

My eyebrows drew together. When I was in the Grounders Gang, I was ranked pretty high. Probably higher than where Lincoln was right now. The only place I could think of where they might be hiding Clarke was-

Briing! Briing!

I took my cellphone out of my pocket. There was a blocked number on the screen. It had to be Anaya.

"Who is it?"

I looked up at O."Anaya." Lincoln took out his own phone.

Her eyes widened."Answer." I pressed answer, and put it on speaker.

"Where is she Anaya?" My voice was furious.

I heard a cynical laugh."Oh well hello Bellamy, how are you? I haven't seen you in a while."

My fist clenched, and my hand tightened around my phone."Don't play games with me Anaya. I want to know where Clarke is."

Her voice came through the phone irritated."She as well as Camilo are with me, and actually I'm feeling nice. I think I'll let you speak to her."

I heard footsteps on the other end off the line, they sounded as if they were echoing. "Here's the Princess."

"Clarke?" I asked urgently."Clarke?"

"Bellamy is that you?" It was Clarke's voice.

"Clarke are you okay? Has she hurt you?" If Anaya had so much as touched Clarke, I would kill her myself.

There was a pause."Yes, she hasn't hurt us."

I sighed in relief."Clarke, listen to me. I will get you out of there, I promise."

I waited before saying the four words, I'd been desperate to tell her for the last couple of weeks."I love you Clarke."

"I love yo-" Clarke was interrupted by Anaya.

"That's enough!"

"We had a deal Anaya. Why did you take Clarke?" I questioned.

Anaya sighed." You are so naive. You think that I would stop watching you when we made our deal?" That's when it hit me. She knew I had been working with Miller's dad. "I found out about it about a week and a half ago, and decided since you were going to betray me, I'd betray our deal." This was all my fault. I should have been more careful. "I'm going to give you one more chance to save your Princess though. I will send you a text with directions to come to where I have both Clarke and Camilo, but you must come alone. Here you will make a decision which will either save or condemn your dear old Princess."

I breathed in."Okay."

"I'll see you in an hour Bellamy Blake." The line went dead, and seconds later I received a text with directions. I knew where my Princess was, now I just needed to get to her. I'm coming Princess.

Clarke P.O.V

Anaya hung up on Bellamy, my mouth was covered up by duck tape. He loved me, he said he loved me and he was coming for me. I also heard him mention a deal, but what deal was that? Could this so called deal be the reason he broke up with me? I didn't know, but what I did know was that I trusted him, and even more I loved him. I closed my eyes. Come soon Bellamy, come soon.

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