Chapter 39

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A/N There's the song that they sing in the chapter. I couldn't find a video with both a guy and a girl singing, so......
Oh and the fourth guy in the video who was wearing all black sings how I think Camilo would.
Camilo P.O.V
I was downstairs sitting at the kitchen table with Clarke. We were working on this partners assignment we got in Choir today. The project had three parts. The first part was to create a mash up of five songs, the mashup had to say a story. The second part was to write an original song which matched are mash up theme, and the third part was to perform both songs in class. We had been assigned are partners in class, and Clarke was my partner. It didn't seem hard when the teacher had announced it, but I was completely wrong. This was one of the hardest projects I've ever been assigned.
"How about we use Centuries by Fall Out Boy, for one of the songs?" I suggested. It had been two hours since we had began working and we were still not even done with picking the five songs. I was on Dr.Griffin's laptop searching up songs to use, and Clarke was on her laptop doing the same thing.
"It's a good song, but it the mashup has to tell a story and it'll be hard to make story with that song." She answered.
"What kind of story do you want to tell?" I asked looking at her.
"I don't know." She responded. I turned my head back to face the screen and searched up what most songs were about, since it would be easier to make a mash up of a theme that had a lot of songs to go along with it. The top 12 were loss, desire, aspiration, nostalgia, pain, breakup, rebellion, inspiration, jadedness, escapism, desperation, and confusion.
"Clarke, here are the most common topics in songs, if you want to chose one." I told her pushing the laptop towards her. She looked through the list, while I tried to think of songs.
"Most of these topics relate to love." She pointed out.
"Yeah. Does that mean you want to do a mash up of love songs?" I asked.
"Sure, but that means are original song has to be a love song too." She told me.
"Do you think that'll be hard?" I asked her.
She shrugged."I guess it depends if you have someone you love or not. If you do I think it'll be easier."
"So what kind of love theme? Family, relationship type love, friendship? Or the pain of love?" I asked her.
"Um, let's just look up love songs and find some we think will be good to use, then are theme will come from there." She told me.
"Okay. How about we each choose ten songs and then choose from that group afterwards?"
She nodded."That sound like a good idea, let's start." I turned back to the laptop and searched up love songs. After about an hour of searching through various lists of songs I found my ten songs. They were Fall for you by secondhand serenade, My immortal by evanescence, I fell in love with my best friend by Jason Chen, Just a friend by Jason Reeves, When I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars, Ships in the Night by Mat Kearney, Inseparable by the Jonas Brothers, Let her go by Passenger, Invisible by Clay Aiken, and You and Me by Life house. We went over our lists together, and decided on our five songs. The songs would be Please Don't Leave Me, Just give me a reason, and Whatya Want from me all by Pink, and Let her go by passenger. The fifth song would be When I was Your Man by Bruno Mars.
"Okay we have are songs, now comes the hard part. Putting them together." She told me."When is this due?"
"We have time it's not due until after Winter break." I responded. Next week was the last week before winter break. Then we had two weeks of winter break. That meant we had about three weeks. As she was about to say something there was a knock on the door.
"I'll get." I said, and went to answer the door. It was Octavia and Raven.
"Hey puppy!"Octavia said enthusiastically.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked.
"We are here to take you and Blondie away from homework." Raven said with a smile.
"How'd you know we were working in homework?"
"I texted Clarke to see if you guys wanted to go to Mt. Weather, but she told me you were trying to work on the Choir assignment. And since I cannot have you two nerds staying in on a Friday night I came to drag you guys away." Octavia finished speaking as Clarke came to stand besides me.
"Guys we can't go this assignment is worth 40% of our grade, and we still haven't even finished the first part." Clarke told her.
"Oh c'mon Clarke you have plenty of time to finish the project. Please just take a small break." Octavia begged her. Going to Mt.Weather didn't seem bad right now, especially since we've been working on this since we came home from school.
"Fine." Clarke said."Let us just go get changed." Octavia nodded and walked inside. I went upstairs to change. After both Clarke and I were changed we followed Raven to her truck. We all got in and I asked who else was coming. Octavia told us that Bellamy, Monty, Miller, and Jasper were going to meet us at the club. We arrived at the club and as usual the music was heard from outside. We headed inside and Octavia was the first to spot the others. Miller of course had his camera in hand.
As he noticed us walking towards him he began his intro."Hey guys we are back at Mt. Weather, but unlike last time we have someone new with us." He pointed the camera at me."This right here is Camilo Cortez, also known as........"
"Puppy!" Octavia who was standing next to me, interrupted.
"Yes that is it!" Miller said. He then introduced the rest of them. Afterwards we all moved to the dance floor. We had been dancing for an hour and a half when the DJ cut off the music saying it was time for a spotlight duo performance. The spotlight moved through the crowd and landed on Clarke. I knew that she had stage fright, though it had died down a little through out the year. She slowly made her way through the crowd and towards the stage. When she got on stage the Dj smiled and said,"Looks like the Princess is back!" The crowd cheered and Clarke looked down at the ground. It was kinda cute. The spotlight was once again moving through the crowd, and when it stopped it landed on me. I froze, but then I felt someone literally pushing me to the stage. That someone just happened to be Octavia. I got on stage and stood next to Clarke. I couldn't sing to save my life, and now I was going to be embarrassed in front of all theses people.
"What's your name?" The Dj asked me.
"Camilo." I responded.
"Well Camilo let's see what song you'll be singing with the Mt.Weather's Princess." He said. He had a glass bowl of suggestions and pulled one out. "You will be singing, The Monster by Eminem." At least I knew this song. The music began to play.
Clarke-I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed
Get along with the voices inside of my head
You're trying to save me, stop holding your breath
And you think I'm crazy, yeah, you think I'm crazy
Wow, she had an amazing voice, I've heard her sing a couple times in Choir, but that was with a group. It was my turn to sing or more like rap.
Camilo- I wanted the fame, but not the cover of Newsweek
Oh, well, guess beggars can't be choosey
Wanted to receive attention for my music
Wanted to be left alone in public. Excuse me
I think it would be terrible to be part of the music industry were there would be no privacy.
For wanting my cake and eat it too, and wanting it both ways
Fame made me a balloon 'cause my ego inflated
When I blew; see, but it was confusing
'Cause all I wanted to do is be the Bruce Lee of loose leaf
Abused ink, used it as a tool when I blew steam (wooh!)
Hit the lottery, oh wee
But with what I gave up to get it was bittersweet
It was like winning a used mink
Ironic 'cause I think I'm getting so huge I need a shrink
I'm beginning to lose sleep: one sheep, two sheep
I've been losing sleep too, but not for the reasons said in the song.
Going cuckoo and cooky as Kool Keith
But I'm actually weirder than you think
I am weirder than people think, in my opinion.
'Cause I'm
That took more breath than I thought.
Clarke-I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed
Get along with the voices inside of my head
You're trying to save me, stop holding your breath
And you think I'm crazy, yeah, you think I'm crazy
Well, that's not fare
Well, that's not fare
Here I go again.
Camilo-Now, I ain't much of a poet
I wasn't a poet at all.
but I know somebody once told me
To seize the moment and don't squander it
'Cause you never know when it all could be over tomorrow
So I keep conjuring, sometimes I wonder where these thoughts spawn from
(Yeah, pondering'll do you wonders.
No wonder you're losing your mind the way it wanders.)
I think it went wandering off down yonder
And stumbled on 'ta Jeff VanVonderen
'Cause I need an interventionist
To intervene between me and this monster
And save me from myself and all this conflict
'Cause the very thing that I love's killing me and I can't conquer it
My OCD's conking me in the head
Keep knocking, nobody's home, I'm sleepwalking
I'm just relaying what the voice in my head's saying
Don't shoot the messenger, I'm just friends with the
Now that I was singing this song I noticed that the words were deeper than I thought.
Clarke-I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed
Get along with the voices inside of my head
You're trying to save me, stop holding your breath
And you think I'm crazy, yeah, you think I'm crazy
Well, that's nothing
Well, that's nothing
Camilo-Call me crazy but I have this vision
One day that I'd walk amongst you a regular civilian
But until then drums get killed and I'm coming straight at
MC's, blood get spilled and I'll
Take you back to the days that I'd get on a Dre track
Give every kid who got played that
Pumped up feeling and shit to say back
Throughout the song both Clarke and I were looking to the crowd, who seemed to be enjoying our performance.
To the kids who played him
I ain't here to save the fucking children
But if one kid out of a hundred million
Who are going through a struggle feels it and then relates that's great
It's payback, Russell Wilson falling way back
In the draft, turn nothing into something, still can make that
Straw into gold chump, I will spin Rumpelstiltskin in a haystack
Maybe I need a straightjacket, face facts
I am nuts for real, but I'm okay with that
It's nothing, I'm still friends with the
Clarke-I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed
Get along with the voices inside of my head
You're trying to save me, stop holding your breath
And you think I'm crazy, yeah, you think I'm crazy
Well, that's nothing
Well, that's nothing
As the we finished the crowd erupted into cheers. I was out of breath. The Dj came back to the stage.
"Now wasn't that amazing?" He asked the crowd. They agreed by cheering, I heard a couple voices yell out,"Yeah Clarke!" and "Wooh Camilo!" Those voices probably belonged to our friends. The Dj patted my back."Great job Camilo, you have a real talent for rapping!"
I smiled."Thanks." Though I didn't actually believe I did well. I looked into the crowd and saw Anya. Or at least I thought it was Anya. I've never really seen her in person, I just knew her by the way Clarke described her. We got off stage and we were immediately surrounded by our friends.
"You guys were awesome!" Raven told us.
"Really? I thought I did a terrible job." I said.
"No way! You were amazing, Puppy!" Octavia said.
"How did you learn to rap, man?" Miller asked.
I shrugged."I don't know, I just sometimes sing along to rap songs."
"Well you two did really good and I got it all recorded." Miller said. O saw Bellamy walking towards us.
"Good job guys." He said to me and Clarke."Especially you Princess."
"Thanks." She smiled at him."Do I get a kiss for doing a good job?"
"Of course." He answered and leaned into kiss her.
Ten seconds into the kiss Octavia interrupt them by saying,"Gross!" They pulled away smiling and Bellamy placed his arm around her waist.
"Let's go dance!" Raven said and they all headed to the dance floor. I looked around to see if I could spot Anya, but I had no luck. After thirty minutes of dancing I went to the bathroom, and when I cam back out I saw her again. Of course I didn't know for sure if it was Anya, but I didn't want to take the chance. Especially since she was a big threat to all of us. I pulled Clarke away from the dance floor, and to the bar. I quickly glanced to where Anya was standing, and noticed she was watching us.
"What's up?" Clarke asked seriously.
"Smile." I instructed her, while smiling myself.
She did and asked,"Why?"
"Don't look know, but there is someone here who I think is Anya. She is watching us right now." I said.
she kept smiling, but her voice sounded worried."Oh no. Are you sure it's her?"
"No. I'm gonna twirl you so you can look at her without her thinking we know she's here." I told her and she nodded. I grabbed her hand and twirled her.
"That's her." She said, confirming my suspicions.
"Then we need to get the others and leave." I said. She nodded in agreement, and we headed back to the dance floor. We told them that Anya was here, and we all began heading outside. We all quickly went to cars we came in and after agreeing to meet at Clarke's house we were off. Five minutes into the drive I looked back, and there was a silver car behind us. I had a bad feeling in my stomach. We kept going straight and the car did too. As we turned left so did the car. That was when I knew it was following us.
"They're following us." I told them.
"What!?" Octavia exclaimed, she was sitting in the passenger seat next to Raven. Clarke who was sitting next to me turned back to look. She squinted her eyes as to try and see who was driving.
"It's Anya." She stated.
"Oh my gosh! What are we going to do!?" Octavia said nervously.
"Loose 'em." Raven said with a determined face. She sped up and took various different turns, most likely leaving skid marks on the pavement. I looked back again.
"It's not working!" Clarke said now sounding more worried than before. In response Raven sped up even more. After what seemed like forever the silver car disappeared.
"It's gone." I told them. They all visibly relaxed and Clarke breathed out a sigh of relief. Raven slowed down to normal speed.
"Thank God that's over." Raven said as she stopped at a red light.
"Yeah." Octavia agreed. The light turned green and she began driving toward. I turned my head to look at Clarke, but outside her window there was a silver car coming at us at full speed. From then on everything went in slow motion.
"Raven!" I yelled to try and warn her. It didn't work. Octavia yelled and covered herself with her arms. I instinctively shielded Clarke with my body, not that it would do much since the impact would come from her side. We all yelled as the car crashed into us with great force. The truck was knocked to its left side and I felt Clarke's weight on me. There was pain everywhere and a terrible ringing sound in my ears. I couldn't hear much except a lot of yelling. I opened my eyes only long enough to see that I wasn't thrown out of the truck. The last thing I thought of before everything black was Clarke.

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