Chapter 74 Friday Lunch

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A/N Short sorry
Bellamy P.O.V
The sound of alarm clock shook me awake. I groaned and stood up going to my dresser to pick out some clothes. Usually I would just throw on some jeans and a t-shirt, but today was different. Today I was meeting Clarke and her mom for lunch. How I dressed probably wasn't going to help me with getting Dr. Griffin to approve of me, but I needed to try something. Or at least try something more than I already have. I put on a plain white t-shirt with a silver jacket over it, and some blue jeans. I looked in the mirror for about five minutes before deciding to gel up my hair. Usually I was fine with my hair messy, but since I was trying to get Dr. Griffin to approve of me I had to look well approvable I guess. I went downstairs , O was alreay ready for school. She looked up from her cereal, took one look at me, then burst out laughing.
"Is there something funny O?" I asked a little irritated.
O was still laughing hard doubling over, and wheezing in pain. She breathed in to calm down,"Okay, okay I'm good." She looked back up to me and tried to suppress her laughter, but failed epically."Pfft, no i'm not!"
I raised my eyebrows at her and tapped my foot impatiently."Done." She sat up straight, and wiped her tears.
She breathed in deeply, pressing her hands on the counter." I'm done."
I rolled my eyes." Do you care to tell me what it is you find so hilarious O?"
She stood up and walked over to me." You're hair is just terrible. the outfits fine, but c'mon Bell. You know you're hair looks two feet tall when gelled. "
I raised an eyebrow,"Two feet tall?"
She nodded," Yeah, now go upstairs and put your hair in its normal style before I do it myself."
"Yes ma'am." I muttered as I went upstairs. I ran a comb through my har and messed it up a bit with my hand. There, it looked normal. Once O had gave my hair a pass we got in my car. We drove to Clarke's house, and I took out my phone.

Me- Hey Princess, we're here.

Princess- Okay, be out in a minute :), love you.

I smiled at this. Octavia slapped my shoulder, making me look back at her. A shit easting grin was on her face, along with a knowing look in her eyes.
"You are in way, way deep Bell." She was right I was in deep and I was not afraid to admit it, to anyone. Clarke walked out of her house looking marvelously beautiful as always. Camilo followed her. She sat down next to me as always and Camilo sat in the back. I began to drive.
"So Princess, where are we meeting your mother for lunch?" I asked.
"Skipolinoes at the shopping center across town." Clarke responded. I nodded, wait. The shopping center was near Arcadia High School, the area where a lot of Grounders frequented. I scrunched my eyebrows. That could be dangerous for many reasons. I pulled into the school's parking lot. The four of us got out. Before heading inside I grabbed Clarke's hand, spinning her to face me. I leaned in and pressed my lips to her soft lips. She moved her lips in sync with mine, angling her head to deepen it. My eyes were closed as were hers. This would never get old. I would always love having the privilege of having my Princess. Not just in this physical way, but emotionally as well. I admit that though I hate emotions, I hate talking about them, and I am not the type to be all sentimental and shit about a lot of things I would gladly say that I cannot live without my Princess.
Someone cleared there throat loudly."Ehem. You two are utterly adorable but you know if you don't stop kissing soon we are going to be late."
"We are not adorable O." I told her. Clarke giggled against my lips, and kissed me once more before we pulled away. I strung my right arm around her shoulders, holding her right hand. We walked to our art class. Camilo went to his. I think it was Wood shop. I took Wood Shop Freshmen year. It was cool, the teacher was pretty laid back too. My morning classes went by quickly and soon it was lunch. Students were allowed to leave campus for lunch, so Clarke and I got in my car and I drove to Skipolinoes. I held Clarke's hand while driving with the other. We walked into Skipolinoes and saw Dr. Griffin already sitting at a table. We walked towards her and sat down across from her. She looked up from her menu unsmiling.
"Hello honey,"She greeted Clarke. Then she turned to me."Mr. Blake."
I nodded."Dr.Griffin." Both Clarke and I looked at our menus.
"Shall we order?" Dr. Griffin asked.
"Just a sec mom." Clarke looked through her menu once more before setting it down on the table. Dr. Griffin ushered a waiter to come get our order. After we ordered Abby turned to us, a stone cold expression on her face.
"Mr. Blake, give me one good reason I should trust you in marrying my daughter." Clarke grabbed my hand under the table, and gave it a squeeze. I squeezed back.
"Because like I've told you before, I love her with all my heart. She has become my reason to live. If that isn't a good enough reason for you to accept my marriage with your daughter I have a full list that I will gladly tell you." I told her in the most serious tone I could muster.
Dr. Griffin pursed her lips."You claim you love her, but how am I supposed to believe you? You are just a child as is she. You two don't know what love is." I almost laughed. How could she possibly think we didn't know what love was? Could she not see that Clarke was my life, my air, my every thing.
"Mom we've talked about this." Clarke told her.
"Yes, but I stand by what I believe. You are too young to feel anything more than liking someone." Dr. Griffin said.
"Mom." Clarke began.
I cut in."May I say what I think?" Clarke and her mother nodded and I continued."Dr. Griffin you believe we are too young, but I don't. See when I am around your daughter she is the only thing on my mind, and when I am not, she is still on my mind. There is not one moment she isn't in my mind. I find myself constantly smiling to myself at the simple thought of something Clarke said or did, or texted. Not to mention that just the thought of her name makes my heart beat race."
Dr. Griffin was going to say something, but I pushed on." It is not just that though. I know I am love with her because whenever we touch electricity courses through me numbing every other sense I have. When we are in the same room, we don't pay attention to anyone else and it is just us. And when I imagine my life without her I come up blank because I can't and won't survive without her. There is no possible way that I have a future in which she isn't included. What does age matter in love anyways? Like they say there is no age for love."
Dr. Griffin did not speak whatsoever until the food arrived." I don't believe you are in love, but now Mr. Blake how can I trust you as a person if you are so secretive and what some people call a player?"
I breathed in."Yes I was a player in the pat but that all changed when your daughter became my girlfriend. And if you think I'm secretive then, ask me anything you want and I will answer it truthfully."
Dr.Griffin nodded and began to ask me a string of questions ranging from,' what's your plans for college?' To, "Do you have a criminal record?" I like I said I would, answered truthfully to all of them. Technically the only criminal record I has was from when I beat up this kid that had been bothering Octavia, that kid had been older than me, not to mention that he was the one who started the fight. Dr. Griffin appeared to be done with the questions when she called over the waiter to give us the check. Once she paid, she looked at us both.
"I do not agree with your engagement and you are not getting married. That is final."
"Mom!" Clarke yelled standing up. People from other tables glanced over at us. I stood with Clarke.
"Sit back down Clarke!" Dr. Griffin hissed.
"No, I won't." Clarke told her mother defiantly."You said you'd give Bellamy a chance!"
Dr. Griffin's mouth was set in a firm line."And I did give him a chance. I confirmed that I cannot let you ruin your life by being with this boy who doesn't have any plan for the future, and will only hurt you."
I narrowed my eyes at Dr. Griffin."Why do you think I would I hurt Clarke?"
"I don't think, I know you will Mr. Blake. You are simply on of those people who'd don't work in a relationship that requires caring for more than ones self." Dr. Griffin said. Anger bursted inside me. Not because I actually cared what she thought(the only opinions that mattered to me came from Clarke and O), but because it was irritating that after all that she had asked all my responses were useless because she still didn't approve of me. Also, because I knew that she would try and keep me away from Clarke. That was what angered me most.
"You cannot keep me from seeing Clarke." I warned in a steely voice.
"An you cannot keep me from being with Bellamy." Clarke said slightly glaring at her mother. Dr. Griffin pushed her chair back, and stood.
"I will not let you destroy my daughters life." She threatened, her eyes were deadly. It didn't scare me one bit. Dr. Griffin looked to Clarke."Clarke I forbid you from seeing this boy again. And I forbid you Bellamy from coming near my daughter."
My hands clenched to fists. Forbid? What the fuck was she thinking? No way in hell was that going to stop is from being together.
Clarke gaped at her mother."You can't forbid m for doing anything! Especially this. I am eighteen."
"Yes I can and I will. No I need to head back to work and if I ever see you together I will have to take extreme measures." With that Dr. Griffin left. I turned to Clarke who was still shocked. She looked up at me with her enchanting blue eyes.
"I'm sorry about that Bellamy. I can't believe she actually said that."
I smiled at her, and cupped her face, stroking her cheek gently with my thumb."No worries Princess it's not like that's going to stop us from being husband and wife."
Clarke's face lit up with a smile that reached her eyes."Yeah, let's go back to school before we're late though."
I leaned down to kiss her, before putting an arm around her shoulders and walking to my car.

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