Chapter 50

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Clarke P.O.V.
I woke up in the hospital once more, and Bellamy wasn't there. I frowned and wondered were he was. Suddenly I recalled the dream I had when I was in a coma. It was an odd dream to say the least. I shrugged it off though. It was just random stuff mashed together by my brain, right? The door opened.
"Clarkie!" O along with Monty and Jasper yelled. Then they assaulted me with hugs.
"Guys I can't breath." I told them, and they all stood up.
"Sorry." Monty apologized.
I smiled,"It's fine. Where's Bellamy?"
"Oh he's just giving his email to the receptionist, so they can email your info to him." Octavia said. Then I noticed Charlotte standing quietly behind the others.
"Hey Charlotte." I greeted.
She walked next to my bed, and smiled."Hi Clarke. I'm so happy your awake. Can I give you a hug?"
"Of course you can give me a hug." I told her. Charlotte has become like a little sister to me, and there was no reason she couldn't give me a hug. She hugged me and I hugged her back. When we pulled away I saw that Octavia had a cast on her arm. My arm wasn't in a cast, but it was tightly wrapped with a splint on it.
"Did that happened because of the car crash?" I asked her gesturing to her cast with my left arm.
Octavia looked at her arm, then back at me."Yeah, but it'll be fine I'm getting the cast off a day after Christmas."
"That's good." I stated.
"Clarke?" Charlotte asked.
I turned my attention to her."Yes Charlotte."
She looked down and quietly asked,"If you woke up why hasn't Cam woken up too?" Wait, what? What did she mean that Camilo hasn't woken up? I turned to the others.
"What's she talking about?" I asked.
"Bellamy didn't tell you?" Jasper asked.
"Tell me what?" I asked. Monty and Octavia exchanged a look. What hadn't Bellamy told me? Clearly it had to do with Camilo. Charlotte said he hasn't woken up. Was Camilo in a coma, just like I was? Not a word was spoken.
"What didn't he tell me?" I demanded my voice slightly raising.
"Charlotte, let's go visit your brother." Jasper said, and took Charlotte out of the room. This leaving me with Octavia and Monty who didn't seem like they wanted to say anything.
"What didn't Bellamy tell me?" I asked again.
Monty took a deep breath then spoke."We should start with how the others are doing first."
Octavia nodded in agreement."Yeah that would be a good idea."
I looked at them expectantly as Monty began to talk."Well everyone came out of the car crash hurt. Raven was the only one not unconscious, but she did have major nerve damage. Her legs getting better now. " I nodded to show that I was getting all that he was saying, and he continued."Octavia here broke her arm, and had to get stitches on her leg but she clearly is doing fine. Camilo he um...." Monty's voice trailed off.
"He what?" I asked. Was he really that badly hurt from the car crash, that no one wanted to tell me how he was doing? I needed to know in what state Camilo was, but they were quiet again."Guys tell me what's wrong with Camilo."
"When you guys were in the car crash he shielded you with his body and therefore was the most inflicted by the impact." Monty said. What? Camilo protected me."He's in a coma with multiple wounds, and there is no telling when he will wake up and if he will wake up."
"He risked his life to protect you Clarke." Octavia said gently. I let her words sink in. Camilo put my life in front of his, and now he was in a coma with no signs of waking up soon. It was my fault he was like this.
"Clarke are you okay?" Monty asked.
"No. If he hadn't protected me I would be the one still in a coma, and he would be the one that's awake right now." He would have been fine if he hadn't protected me."It's all my fault."
Monty walked closer to me."It is not your fault Clarke. Camilo chose to protect you. You didn't tell him to."
Octavia agreed with Monty."The only one who's at fault is Anaya. She was the one who crashed into us."
"Anaya was the one who crashed into you guys?" Monty asked.
"Yeah." Octavia answered.
"Why hasn't anyone told the police?" He asked. I knew why. If Anya got arrested she would tell the police that Bellamy shot Mayor Jaha. He would end up in jail for attempt of murder if that happened. Octavia probably didn't know that though.
"Bell says it is too dangerous." O told Monty.
Monty nodded."Anyways, we are all really happy you're awake."
"Just in time for Christmas too." Octavia added with a smile.
My eyes widened slightly in surprise. "Wait, when's Christmas?"
"Tomorrow. It's Christmas Eve today." Bellamy answered as he entered the room."How are you feeling Princess?"
"Fine I guess." I told him. He grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes.
"That's good news, because I have a surprise for you tomorrow." He said.
"And what would that surprise be?" I asked him curiously.
He put on a mischievous smile."You'll just have to wait and see."
"We're going to go find Jasper and Charlotte, see you guys later." Octavia said, as Bellamy sat on the chair next to my bed.
"The doctor called your mom, she should be here in ten minutes." He said playing around with a strand of my hair.
"What shall we do till then?" I asked.
"I have an idea." Bellamy leaned in, and his lip went against mine. My lips moved in sync with his. The kiss was gentle, but still full of need. My hand cupped his face and since I was laying down he was leaning over me with both of his hands on either side of my head. When we broke apart he looked into my eyes."I love you Clarke."
"I know. I love you too Bellamy." I said.
He smirked."If course you do. It's me, Bellamy Blake after all."
I rolled my eyes."Your'e an asshole."
"Yeah, but your still love me." He grinned cockily.
"Nope, I don't. In fact I hate you."
"That hurts Princess." He said with a playful glint in his eye."How much do you hate me?"
"Very much." I answered jokingly.
"This much?" He kissed me again, but pulled away as soon as I kissed back."I thought you hated me Princess."
"I do." I told him then I pulled him back to me and kissed him again. This kiss was more passionate, and my fingers curled in his hair. It felt nice to kiss Bellamy again. Even if to me it had seemed more like two hours that I had been asleep rather than two weeks, I somehow felt the need to have Bellamy with me. It was as if the whole time I was in a coma I subconsciously wanted Bellamy near me. Bellamy climbed onto the bed and was know hovering over me, being careful not to hurt my arm. His forearms were now on the either side of my head instead of his hands, which meant that are bodies were only centimeters away. We didn't break away and were still kissing with as much passion as before when we heard a throat clear. I looked passed Bellamy and saw the person I least wanted to catch me and Bellamy in this position.
"Mom!" I said. Bellamy's eyes widened and he quickly climbed off the bed. Once he was off the bed he stood up straight and ran a hand through his hair. My mom looked from Bellamy to me. I couldn't speak. By the looks of it Bellamy couldn't either. This was going to be fun to explain.

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