Chapter 8-Punishments

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A/N There's the song Bellamy sang in the last chapter, and Clarke's outfit, for the mall, except for the shoes.
The next day when I awoke Bellamy was already up, he was in the kitchen cooking eggs and bacon.
"Bellamy what are you doing up?" I asked walking over to him.
"Cooking." He answered.
"I don't think it's a good idea for you to be up, what if you rip your stitches?"
"It'll be fine, before your mom left for work she said that since it wasn't too bad of a cut I could move around, I just had to be careful." He said. Before I could say anything else I heard a yawn from the top of the stairs.
"Clarke your bed is heaven. Best sleep I had in years." Octavia said coming downstairs. "Hmm is that bacon I smell?"
"Yeah, apparently your brother decided to play chef." I told her. She smiled as Bellamy glared at me.
"Well if you think my amazing cooking skills is playing you won't get any Princess."
"Yeah she will if she tells you too give her some." Octavia said.
"What makes you think that?" He asked.
Octavia grinned and so did I once I remembered what she was talking about."The bet." I smiled.
First he looked confused then he groaned." I completely forgot about that."
Octavia grinned." The first thing you have to do is go put on a shirt."
I looked at Bellamy noticing for the first time he wasn't wearing a shirt. This exposed his defined abs and muscular chest.
"Enjoy what you see Princess?" Bellamy asked as Octavia giggled.
I looked away from his stomach and rolled my eyes."Yeah right. Nobody would enjoy that." I gestured to him.
He smirked." Actually all the girls at school seem too."
"Not all the girls." I said.
"Oh yeah of course not Octavia, but she doesn't count as a girl." He said earning a slap on the head from Octavia.
"What? You don't count me as a guy do you?"
She rolled her eyes." Of course not your my brother. And you still need to put on a shirt."
"I'm going, just don't let the food burn." He said and disappeared to the living room.
"So what should we start their punishments with?"Octavia asked.
I grinned."Makeovers sound good to me."
Octavia smiled." Yes! That'll be great! You call Wells to come over, and we'll start after breakfast."
"Start what after breakfast?" Bellamy came in wearing his bloodstained, navy blue t-shirt from yesterday.
"You'll find out soon." Octavia answered with a mischievous grin. Bellamy looked at Octavia then at me trying to figure out what we were up to. Then he turned his attention to the food."Bacon and eggs are ready, go get plates."
Octavia handed Bellamy three plates, and Bellamy served us food as I poured us orange juice. We ate in the kitchen on the marble island. After a while, Bellamy took a sip of his orange juice and asked,"What were you two talking about earlier?"
Octavia grinned."You'll know soon enough, and actually shouldn't you be calling your boyfriend Clarke?"
I nodded." I'll be right back." I walked to my room and called Wells.
"Hey Clarke." He answered.
"Hey Wells can you come over today, in like 30 minutes?"
"Yeah sure I'll go get ready." He responded.
"Ok bye." I hung up and went downstairs. "Hey are you guys done eating?"
They nodded."So do you guys want to swing by your place after I get ready so you can change, cause Bellamy walking into a mall with a bloody shirt will be a little weird."
Octavia shook her head."That'll take too long, do you have any clothes we can borrow here?"
Before I could answer Bellamy asked, "Why are we going to the mall?"
"Wait until Wells is here and you'll find out." I said, then turned towards Octavia."I think I have some clothes that'll fit you, and last weekend when my cousins came over they accidentally left some clothes that might fit Bellamy. Follow me."
They followed me into my room. My room was fairly large with a walk in closet, bathroom, and balcony. My bed was a queen size with sky blue covers that matched the walls. I led them into my closet and told Octavia to look around to see if anything fit her. Then I handed Bellamy a bag, which contained the clothes my cousins left, and he went to shower in the bathroom down the hall. Octavia chose a black skirt that went from the waist to mid thigh, a grey half sleeve shirt and a purplish scarf. She also wore knee high socks and black platform high heel ankle boots. I wore black skinny jeans with black ankle Converse, a blue tank top with a black faux leather jacket, and a beige scarf. Both Octavia and I were done showering, and changing before Bellamy. Wells would be here any minute. I went down the hall and banged on the bathroom door."Hurry up Bellamy! Wells is going to be here any minute!"
"And we can't keep your Prince Charming waiting now can we?" He said sarcastically.
I rolled my eyes. I was about to hit the door again when Bellamy opened it. Lucky for him he caught my fist, and avoided getting hit.
"Woah there Princess, didn't think you wanted to hit me that bad."
"Well I do, your just lucky I haven't strangled you, now let's go downstairs Octavia's already down there."
He nodded and let go of my wrist. As we came downstairs there was a knock on the door. Octavia answered it and invited Wells in.
"Hey Clarke." He greeted me with a hug. When he pulled away he greeted Bellamy, then asked."What are we doing today?"
Both Octavia and I smiled."We are going to the mall to," I started. Then Octavia and I finished the sentence."give you guys makeovers!"
Wells and Bellamy looked horrified, which made Octavia and I burst into laughter.
"No way I'm not doing that!" Bellamy said.
"You have to, remember our bet you two have to do whatever we tell you to do, for a week!" Octavia said enjoying her brothers reaction. He groaned and Octavia led us to Wells' car. When we arrived at the mall the first place we led them to was a hair salon. It was early in the morning so there was barley anyone there. A brunette girl was the only one working, she was sweeping up hair from the floor in the back. Octavia was becoming impatient, and tried to nicely get her attention."Excuse me, but can we get someone to help us please."
"I'll be right with you." She said as she put away the broom, then came over to the counter.
"Hello and welcome to Star Salon, I'm Roma, can I get the names of who's going to get their hair cut?" She said not looking up from the computer.
"Wells Jaha and Bellamy Blake." Octavia answered.
"Bellamy Blake?" She asked, now staring at Bellamy.
"Yeah, now can we get them in a chair to get their hair cut? We really want there torture to begin." Octavia said, though it seemed as if Roma was in a trance. It was getting a little annoying. Octavia waved a hand over Roma's face, trying to get her attention but she was still staring at Bellamy. I turned to him."What did you do to her?"
He smirked."I told you girls enjoy this." He gestured to himself, I rolled my eyes.
Then snapped my fingers in front of her face. "Earth to Roma."
Finally she shook out of her trance, though she was blushing furiously. "Sorry why don't you two sit down, and decide what hair cut you'll like."
"Actually Clarke and I will be deciding their haircuts." Octavia said.
Roma looked confused, "Why is that? Are you their girlfriends or something?"
Octavia looked disgusted. I thought it was hilarious, that she thought Bellamy and her were dating. "I meant you and Wells, and Bellamy and Clarke" Roma clarified looking at Octavia's reaction. Now it was my turn to be disgusted. "No, no, no, no. We are not dating, that is so gross!" I faked gagging, to make my point.
Octavia laughed at my reaction, and Bellamy faked being hurt. He put a hand over his heart." Princess, that hurts I really thought we had something. What did I do wrong?" He grabbed my hand. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Octavia trying to hold back a giggle. I rolled my eyes." Nothing in particular, just being you."
"Dang Princess your cold. Can I change your mind?"
I suddenly remembered Wells, my boyfriend, was there. "Nope." I pulled my hand out of his. He wiped a nonexistent tear from his face and said" How will I ever get over this." Now Octavia was laughing out loud close to tears.
"Oh guys please stop your going to kill me." She said trying to stop laughing.
I smiled at her."Ok you two into the chairs while we decide how to start your torture." After a bit, we finally decided what hairstyle they would get. Wells would have half his hair blue, and half yellow, with only temporary hair dye, which would come off in two weeks.I wasn't cruel enough to make it permanent. Bellamy would have his hair styled into a fohawk, with dark green and white highlights, which would stay on for as long as Wells' hair dye. First Roma started with Wells, then she went on to Bellamy. She seemed to really be enjoying getting to mess with Bellamy's hair. As she finished, dying his hair she whispered something in his ear, and slipped a piece of paper in his hand.
This made me feel annoyed for some reason. Once we saw there hair we couldn't help but burst into laughter. Bellamy sent me death glares knowing it was me who chose his hair cut.
"Okay boys lets keep moving, now on to wardrobe." Octavia said.
"Wait Octavia, they also wax here." I told her.
She smile deviously." Hey Roma you wouldn't mind having to wax these twos legs would you."
"Just have them sit back down." She responded. They reluctantly sat back down, and the yelling began. Truly I felt a little bad because they were in pain, but it was just a little funny. When they were done getting their legs waxed, we went clothes shopping.
After various stores, we chose out one outfit for each day of the week for them to wear. Wells' outfits consisted of blue skinny jeans and yellow shirts for Monday to Wednesday, and ble muscle tees with yellow cargo shorts from Thursday to Saturday. Bellamy's outfits consisted of pink shirts and white skinny jeans for Monday and Tuesday, white long sleeve shirts, and green jeans from Wednesday to Thursday, and lime green muscle tees with white basketball shorts from Friday to Saturday.
"Ok so you have to wear the outfits we bought to school, and at home until you go to bed." I told them.
"Fine, is that all for our punishments?" Bellamy asked.
"No way we are just getting started. But before I give you, Bellamy your next order, I need Clarke to promise we won't for lack of better words cancel out each others orders."
I nodded."I promise."
She smiled." Okay. Bellamy, starting right now every time you see Clarke you will have to give her a kiss on the cheek, and on Saturday you will have to full on kiss her."
"What!?" We all said.
"Octavia that's not only torture for Bellamy, but also for me!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah and I don't want my girlfriend kissing someone else!" Wells said.
"O there is no way that's happening." Bellamy said.
She laughed."Oh suck it up, it's one kiss, and Wells you don't have to see it. Besides what are you worried about, they don't like each other."
"Fine." He huffed.
"How bout our opinions?" I asked her.
"Bellamy has to do this because of the bet, and you have to because you promised to not back off from the orders we give."
I groaned." Whatever, let's go."
"Not so fast, I told Bell that starting right no he would have to give you a kiss on the cheek whenever he sees you." She said.
"Ugh , really O?" Bellamy asked.
She smiled, nodding. Bellamy came over and I made a face as he kissed my cheek.
Afterwords I rubbed my cheek as if trying to get all the germs off.
"Now can we go?" I asked. She nodded. We all got into Wells' car and headed home.

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