Chapter 1-Home

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I looked around, surprised at how much this little town has changed since my mom and I had moved. Of course it had been a long time; 10 years to be exact, but my mom needed to get away from here in order to forget. Since then we had been moving from city to city, not staying in one place for more than five months. Her job as a general surgeon allowed her to move from one hospital to the other, that and the fact she was the country's best surgeon. But, a week ago she decided it was time to move back to our hometown , The Arke. So, today we were moving back into our new home. We spent the entire day unpacking. It was around 7:30, and I was in my room almost done unpacking my things, when I heard the doorbell. "I got it," my mom yelled. A couple moments later she said,"Clarke come down here quickly." "Coming!" I went downstairs and couldn't help but smile at who was standing in the unpacked living room."Wells!" I practically yelled and threw my arms around him. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me,"Long time no see."
I pulled back and saw that Wells' father, Mayor Jaha was also there. Both Wells and Mayor Jaha were family friends. I exchanged a handshake with him. " Nice to see you again, sir." He smiled, " Nice to see you too Clarke, but please lose the sir. I've known you since you were born." I nodded and smiled back. My mother greeted Wells, then turned towards Jaha, " How'd you know we moved back?" Still smiling he responded, "Oh please Abby I'm the Mayor, it's my job to know everything that's going on in this town." She smiled as he said,"How about we catch up over dinner?" " We'd love to," answered my mother. Together we walked to a nearby pizza parlor that hadn't been there before we left. We laughed over pizza remember old time, like the time I made Wells wear a tutu and tiara, as payback for calling me Princess. We also talked about the school I was to attend, Arke High school. Though I was nervous about my first day at school tomorrow, I new I was home. A/N Please let me know what you think in the comments, constructive criticism is appreciated. Sorry if the story starts a little slow.

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